Bush/Fed Fail To Honor
$4.5 Trillion Wanta Deal
By Greg Szymanski
$4.5 Trillion Wanta Deal
By Greg Szymanski
U.S. authorities failed to meet Ambassador Leo Wanta's July 31 deadline to release $4.5 trillion into the economy, forcing Wanta and his AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., to try and repatriate $27.5 trillion in offshore funds.
Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer of AmeriTrust, said Tuesday authorities were given "ample time" to make good on the agreed written settlement negotiated by two federal court judges, Wanta and two large law firms from New York and Georgia on behalf of U.S. authorities and overseas bankers.
The $4.5 trillion settlement, earmarked for the American people through private funds controlled by Wanta, was hammered out several months ago as the partial repatriation of trillions of offshore funds in Wanta's control and subsequently transferred to a Bank of America account in Virginia during May and June.
However, instead of the money being put under AmeriTrust control, President Bush unexpectedly and without legal authority ordered the private funds blocked, preventing a legal corporate U.S. entity from paying approximately $1.6 trillion in taxes, placing himself in direct violation of federal law with felony consequences.
Further, Attorney Gen. Alberto Gonzalez, aware of the violations of federal law, has failed to take steps to rectify the enormous financial scandal, making him complicit in the crime.
"We are now moving full steam ahead to repatriate the entire amount," said Cottrell Tuesday in an extended conversation with the Arctic Beacon. "I can't be specific exactly what we are going to do as I wouldn't want to tip our hand, but if they want a fight, they've got one."

He added that Ambassador Wanta's status as legal trustor of the entire $27.5 trillion gives him authority to round up and repatriate the entire aggregate amount, meaning worldwide financial chaos since much of the money has been illegally used, as well as opening up a Pandora's Box of embezzlement, bribery and murder.
The massive amount of money circulating in more than 190 worldwide banks remains a huge problem for the Bush administration, as it clearly shows how much of the Wanta trillions has been improperly used by many higher-ups in the last three Presidential administrations, including President George H. Bush and President William Jefferson Clinton.
Instead of the money being properly taxed and used for American interests, as prescribed by President Reagan when Wanta was assigned the task to amass the rather large sum of money at the end of the Cold War, criminals in the government, better known as the Illuminati, decided to use if for their own personal Globalist agenda which was far removed and beyond the scope of proper governmental oversight.
Documents meticulously gathered and audited by Wanta himself, reveal more than $743 billion diverted illegally, including illegal transactions by Bush I. According to overseas investigators, articles appearing in several overseas financial journals including The International Currency Review, listen to what may only be the tip of the iceberg regarding the massive corruption involving the Wanta money:
For rest of story, more Wanta stories and more informative arcticles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com
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