Thursday, January 14, 2016


Sound was from the beginning. Like Animals, Sound is used by Humans, to Articulate intentions of, and meanings thereof meanings. Therefore, anyone who is for restricted sound (speech), or articulation in its many forms(such as writing), is committing Treason Against the Earth and Natural Law of the Land, that Humans are embodied with, and a part of. Naturally.

Silly White Man think, that drawings, and writings, dont constitute speech.

Yeah, thought so. Now where did Noah Hide Laws come from again?

So since the Written Word for Governments is speech, and written articulation, I am that I am hereby make Killing, for any reason, a Crime against Humanity, the Earth and Natural Order, and Punishable by Death, verified by Natural Order of Cause and Effect, validated by agreements of those Governments, by the very Oaths they have taken, and Swore to, that have been clearly marked and determined, by Heavenly Court. 

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