Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sun Dried Puffer Fish Tomatoes

Not knowing exactly where they were, Scrooges Accountant, was told to go to the square, and see what the ruccos was about. Scrooge was getting lamented vigorously, by his thorny Consciousness, that yesterday had brought him.

Meanwhile, his Daughter, was still looking for Tiny Tim, for repose was in order.because of the night before, Scrooge's Guilty Conscious, still abandoned him while asleep, and he was with Iron Intent, so he rang with his Bell, the Butler, that was made to go into the street, and aid in the search.

After Meanwhile, while his Mean Grimace, still floundered like Sun Dried Puffer Fish Tomatoes, a Horny Toad was burrowing his Pickled Peppers, into the Cold Storaged Tomorrow Villie, of the Sacred Vault of Seeds, to see if the Mice, had found the Rats, that kept lifting them away from the Nested Eggs.

All was plentiful, they said, tails still dragging the shit Moss trails around the corners, and into the alleys. This was not all that unusual, considering the well adjusted Ad-Hominem, that Scrooge was so tempestuously used to templating, with Templarios candor to self, he was always, but not alway guite.

So the allowance was allowed, if only but for the allowance of allowing alone, which Scrooge now alone allowed. Blountville beautiful Beauty this, as it saged onward ever forward, never remember what was remembering never, forever ever, but that was ok with them, as they snided to the right a little further, further remembering forever, with them, that was ok.

Be dainty with frustrations noise, think not. Plentiful all dainty frustrations noise Scrooge now alone allowed. Tiny Tim Grimace Mean while after Rats, because Order Repose for Tim, meanwhile looking Tiny Tim still abandoned his Daughter. Him brought yesterday of thorny Consciousness Vigorously lamented getting Scrooge was rucos square told Accountant where were exactly knowing not.

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