Thursday, January 14, 2016

We Never Talk About The Old Days

I long time ago some dude had an idea. Others liked his idea, and started spreading it around.

Soon, everyone liked the idea, and was incorporating it into their life.

Once this way of life became a Majority venture, everyone could not see how life could be any different, or better, than what they had. And since the majority was profiting from it, and happy and satisfied from it, no dissention from that Ideal was allowed, or tolerated.

It was so profitable, that everyone started inculcating every child, to adhere to this manifest destiny dream, long before every Woman's Water broke.

As time progressed, technology helped reinforce, and solidify, such a glorious Utopian Future, that Education was automated, while putting a puppet stage show on for the class. They even made a movie depicting reality, which incorporated the labelous term "art imitating life", with that show, what is it called. Hmmmm. Oh yes, the Wizard of Oz.

They all bragged about reading Plato, and Citing Plato, and knowing Plato, but dismissed all the Evidence, regarding Atlantis, that was elaborating the point, that the label "history repeats itself", really was the truth, because they had more important things to do, like having a competition, of who could cut down the most trees, and make the most money out of the Pulp, and play the endless monopoly Game, until the Earth was depleted.

Yep, well, looking back on our History, now, it was rather retarded, for Humans to act that way, but these days, we never talk about the Old Days.

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