Anarchism has been around for a long time, it comes and goes with the wind, but in the end, after all is said on done will it be what remains? Many people think of Anarchism as random chaos of the unorderly, and to some extent it is, for a few traditions of Anarchism.
But True anarchism, in its purest sense has not been seen upon the Earth, otherwise there would be no governments right now would there? For to be truly free, requires that government as a whole is gone completely. So what is Anarchism really?
Wikipedia states that:
"Anarchism is liberatory way of organizing society, derived from the Greek ἀναρχία ("without archons" or "without chiefs"). Thus "anarchism," in its most general meaning, is the belief that all forms of rulership are undesirable and should be abolished. Anarchism also refers to related philosophies and social movements that advocate the elimination of coercive institutions. The word "anarchy", as most anarchists use it, does not imply chaos, nihilism, or anomie, but rather a harmonious anti-authoritarian society that is based on voluntary association of free individuals in autonomous communities, mutual aid, and self-governance.
The word anarchist originated as a term of abuse. For example at the Putney Debates (1647) during the English Civil War, the Leveller, Thomas Rainsborough, remarked "I know that some particular men we debate with believe we are for anarchy." Whilst the term is still used in a pejorative way to describe "any act that used violent means to destroy the organization of society"[1], it has also been taken up as a positive label by self-defined anarchists.
Ideas about how an anarchist society might work vary considerably, especially with respect to economics. There are also disagreements about how such a society might be brought about, with some anarchists being committed to a strategy of nonviolence, while others advocate armed struggle."
The main Traditions of Anarchism are:
Anarcha-feminism, Anarchist communism, Anarcho-capitalism, Anarcho-primitivism, Anarcho-syndicalism, Christian anarchism, Collectivist anarchism, Eco-anarchism, Green anarchism, Individualist anarchism, Mutualism.For a long time now the Illuminati have sold us the illusion of one of these Traditions, we have all along been under Anarchism, because the governments in which exist today, do not really exist, they only exist to make people believe they do, so on reality there really is no governments of the Earth. But now we have a REAL chance to establish something from nothing, from people who really care about the Earth and its people, a chance here in this continent, not diplomats that set of the conquer a 'New World', but survivors of history, who have had enough, and really take matters into our own hands, shape our own world, not continually have it shaped for us by greedy people.
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