In this film you will hear from the mouths of the actual people in the government at that time that the United States of America did not land anyone on the moon, the entire moon walk scene was filmed in Stanley Kubrics set of "2001, A Space Odyssey". You dont believe me? See for yourselves, and watch this documentary. My question is this. If they can get away with lies such as this, the proportion, the scale, the years it has been believed, then what cant they get away with. But still today, people will laugh at you if you tell them that the U.S. did not go to the moon, I wonder who should really be wearing tin foil hats? The public though has always been ignorant, trusting what they hear, and never really doing any research to verify what is told them, another reason why this country will not last much longer, it is full of naive, gullible, ignorant children, that need to be feed there believe system's.

The Dark Side of The Moon
There has been alot of talk of the documentary being faked, due to scripts and what not, and then some have said that they had to fake the photo's of the moon-walk, because of the conditions on the moon. Well, they did admit to faking the moon-walk photo's on the set of "2001, A space Odyssey", along with all the other things in which they have lied about, the governments honesty is, and has always been, in question.

The Dark Side of The Moon
There has been alot of talk of the documentary being faked, due to scripts and what not, and then some have said that they had to fake the photo's of the moon-walk, because of the conditions on the moon. Well, they did admit to faking the moon-walk photo's on the set of "2001, A space Odyssey", along with all the other things in which they have lied about, the governments honesty is, and has always been, in question.
These things dont matter though. When astronauts do space walks in ' Low Earth Orbit', they are under the protection of the magnetosphere of the Earth.
The moon is not protected by the magnetosphere, and therefore there would need to be a protection from cosmic radiation.
Now, for any human to travel in a very thin walled space craft like the Apollo space craft, there would need to be an outer wall that could sustain the cosmic radiation, this was not so with the Apollo capsule. Although the capsules shell was made of Titanium, it was very thin. And what about the actual walk on the moon itself, space suites are not designed for use outside of the magnetosphere, and would render any moon-men helpless to the affects of cosmic radiation, they would die, period.
Just the fact that it is really impossible to tell what really happened is reason for disbelieve for me, for when truth is present, it is undeniable, and clearly seen and understood.
The moon is not protected by the magnetosphere, and therefore there would need to be a protection from cosmic radiation.
Now, for any human to travel in a very thin walled space craft like the Apollo space craft, there would need to be an outer wall that could sustain the cosmic radiation, this was not so with the Apollo capsule. Although the capsules shell was made of Titanium, it was very thin. And what about the actual walk on the moon itself, space suites are not designed for use outside of the magnetosphere, and would render any moon-men helpless to the affects of cosmic radiation, they would die, period.
Just the fact that it is really impossible to tell what really happened is reason for disbelieve for me, for when truth is present, it is undeniable, and clearly seen and understood.
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