For years now I have talked to people about a possible draft being reinstated in this country, and every time people would laugh at me quite sardonicly. But now it again enters congress. What is important is not if it passes or not, but that they are actually 'considering' it, thinking about it, preparing 'language' for such a thing.
Yes with the Military recruitment low, and many wars to be fought, the Military industrial complex needs more drones to do there dirty work for them. To kill innocent women and children, destroy countries, leaving them desolated economically, and socially, in the name of there god 'OIL'!!! This new draft will include 'everyone' from 18 too 42, requiring a minimum of 2 years.
All the war mongers of this country will love this, these ones who dont see what is really going on in the world around them, and who not care. I can already tell you I will be going to prison, for I will not fight for the goals of the New World Order, nor will I ever, I would rather be tortured to death, than to disgrace Humanity by siding with these evil criminals, and there evil agenda.
I would rather die!!!!
I pity those who will be again deceived and brainwashed into believing that they are 'serving there country', when in reality serving ones country would to be to pick up arms, and fight these people who have highjacked our government and world. If this does go through and into law, I think there just might be a civil war; they have been started by far less actions, and in reality I hope this is what happens, we need another civil war to set things straight here it seems anyway. Yes, bill H.R. 4752: Universal National Service Act of 2006 IS IN CONGRESS right now, see the full bill here.
I would rather die, then fight for there cause!!!!!!!!!
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