That is right, as with Iraq, and Iran-Tehran, the Bush administration are friends with these dictators, and is helping them acheive there aims.
Also it seems that again, the administration is setting up a patsy to take the fall. The U.S. will say how 'scary' these countries are, after they have given these countries, or helped them gain muclear-capable technology.
"Reports today concerning the completed fueling of North Korea's long range Taepodong-2 missile and its planned launch within a month omit several key aspects of the story, including the fact that North Korea already launched a missile that hit Alaska, with the help of the US government."
"A nuclear-capable North Korean test warhead was found in Alaska."
"A story that would have expected to garner front page headlines for days was completely blacked out in the US, with not one single newspaper choosing to report it.
The reason?
How could the Bush administration sell a war against a country with no means to defend itself and as it later transpired with no weapons of mass destruction, when a country with WMD was firing long-range nuclear capable missiles that were hitting the western coast of the US?"
"In April 2002 the Bush administration announced that it would release $95 million of American taxpayer’s dollars to begin construction of the ‘harmless’ light water reactors. Bush argued that arming the megalomaniac dictator Kim Jong-Il with the potential to produce a hundred nukes a year was, “vital to the national security interests of the United States.” Bush released even more money in January 2003, as reported by Bloomberg News,"
“President George W. Bush is seeking $3.5 million for the international consortium that continues to build two nuclear reactors for North Korea, even as the U.S. confronts the communist regime over nuclear arms.”
"It should not surprise us that our old friend Donald Rumsfeld, the man who paved the way for U.S. companies to sell Iraq chemical and biological weapons in 1983, was an executive director for ABB from 2000-2001. Rumsfeld resigned when he was appointed U.S. Secretary of Defense. Wolfram Eberhardt, a spokesman for ABB confirmed that Rumsfeld was at nearly all the board meetings during his involvement with the company. The meetings were held quarterly in Zurich, Switzerland. However, Rumsfeld again displays his uncanny ability to forget things in stating that he ‘doesn’t remember’ the issue of North Korea being brought before the ABB board. Swiss Info concluded,"
"President Bush publicly claims to loathe Kim Jong-Il and yet his administration, like Bill Clinton before him, has armed North Korea to the teeth with anything up to and beyond 200 nuclear bombs."
So when the U.S. say that North Korea is dangerous, and needs to be invaded, just remember who helped them get dangerous, which one would then have to question who really is the dangerous one here. Come on American public, you still do not see what is going on do you, you still believe what your masters tell you.
The entire article by Paul Joseph Watson can be found here.
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