What do you see every morning when you wake, and go to the bathroom? It is a face of skin, and bone, with blood flowing through each part, the life force that sustains us each day. Our minds, consciousness, and emotions, emanating into the Universe, these actions we take so mildly throughout our lives, speaking of our boredom, and many extinguishing the flame altogether.
Is though life so dull and boreing? Look at our present, the unknowns add up to the sky, after the day is over, and we return to our solitude, nothing is really known. All our long held believes, ideas, theories, imaginations, never really existing, only in our heads that is.
Can you tell me what is really going on in our realm?
Is there really any other realms, with beings in them?
What really happens after death?
Is there a god-form entity in the Universe?
What is our purpose here?
Yes, there simple questions have long been asked, but still no answer has been given. Although there are many believes, there is no answer, a defininte truth that resounds above everything else, to prove what is and what is not.
So then what is there, and what purpose if any does whatever there is, have?
One thing is for certain, and that is that we are aware, aware of our surroundings, our realm, our bodies, minds, and emotions, this is what is known, for we are aware of it. So, we are alive and aware. But is that merely all?
For thousands of years man has lived, maybe more, and all through this time there has been creation, directly from man, by means of the Universe itself. Humans have created art, poetry, scientific theories, love, families, really we have all created each other by our imaginations in time, each of us adding our uniqueness to the collective.
Humans have also fostered hate, war, crime, dishonesty, betrayal, envy and strife. There have always been war and bloodshed, in the name of a few peoples goals, yes, but now we have all come to a threshold, a critical mass point in space time.
Go outside, look around you, do you see our Mother Earth slipping away from its natural state. The ice shelves are melting, the forest become our paper to through away, our air is not fit for even the cockroach. Our society is run by despots, who would rather trash ourselves for profit, than to actually help anyone. The accumulative energy of the Human collective is strained, and in agony, this is having an effect on the surrounding space and time, and will eventually cause enough Earth changes that will destroy most of us.
And that is just tip of this Human iceberg, there is governments, the lack of governments, and secret societies that want the whole of greed, lust, power, and money.
What is it going to take to finally unite Humanity, destruction, nuclear holocaust, etc, and then after these things occur, the few remaining left(if any), will take this wisdom and actually learn from it?
For the many that believe that everything works out in the end, now, IM not so sure, change always happens due to the collective will, the collective force, the collective consciousness forming the holograph that is existence, this creative force is, and always has been, what becomes of it then depends on what type of energy the collective is manisfesting, positive or negative, and as of right now the negative is growing expedientially.
The fact is we have to do something, or else there will be nothing. Our governments of the world have showed us they do not care, nor willing to do anything about it. They retain technology that would offer longer life, free energy, abundant food, a clean and healthy Earth. However they chose to use the technology for war, 'super weapons' in which derive there energy from energetic dipole's that tap the active vacuum, and zero point energy portals, or grids through out the Earth and Universe these are, at any point. They have also manipulated space and time itself, expanding on the work of Tesla, and the work of Einstein, among others. The "Unified Field Theory" was completed by Einstein, but taken and hidden by the powers to be, how does one think all of this technology has expanded just within the last 100 years, it has taken place, and could solve so much.
When as a Human Race are we going to stand up for 'ourselves', for our past, our present, and future. Or, are we not worth that, to many this might be so, the negative energy has covered over there hearts and minds, just as the powers to be have hoped and planned.
We must, for the sake of ourselves, the wonderment of our species, the beauty. Yes ourselves are tainted with the scourge of the ugliness that we can be, but that is a choice, a choice to love our to hate, to help or destroy, to raise up or bring low, these are our choices, we individually make them everyday. Does it all matter, these things that is? Only time will tell, what the purpose has always been, but on our way there, let us all show and say what we hope for, believe in, for if those things are positive, then we really have made a difference, matter not the scope thereof.
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