Saturday, July 14, 2007

Marshal Law and Eugenics Podcast- from EA

In this episode I talk about Eugenics, Marshal Law, concentrations camps, and where the country is heading in the near future. I also play audio from the Alex Jones show taking about this subject. Also, there is audio clips from the 1962 Aldous Huxley speech on the campus of Berkly University. You can hear the podcast by clicking the image above that reads "Podcast", or you can download it here.

Tree has twice as many genes as us

IT MAY be a tree, yet it has twice as many genes as us.

The first sequence of a tree genome has revealed that the black cottonwood poplar (Populus trichocarpa) has more than 45,000 genes. The sequencing turned up many genes unique to trees, including 90 or so linked with the production of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose - the major polymers that give wood its strength and characteristic hardness (Science, vol 313, p 1596).

Family Attorney Blows the Whistle on State Child Protective Services Agencies


Practicing family attorney Gregory Hession confirms child protective service agencies engage in abusive, deliberate and dirty tricks motivated by federal funding.


It has been called "the most astounding piece of sleight of hand ever invented." The creation of money has been privatized, usurped from Congress by a private banking cartel. Most people think money is issued by fiat by the government, but that is not the case. Except for coins, which compose only about one one-thousandth of the total U.S. money supply, all of our money is now created by banks. Federal Reserve Notes (dollar bills) are issued by the Federal Reserve, a private banking corporation, and lent to the government.1 Moreover, Federal Reserve Notes and coins together compose less than 3 percent of the money supply. The other 97 percent is created by commercial banks as loans.2

Olbermann: All hail the prophetic gut!

Hitler's Monetary System

"We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency coverage of gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done or goods produced. . . .we laugh at the time our national financiers held the view that the value of a currency is regulated by the gold and securities lying in the vaults of a state bank." -Adolf Hitler, 1937 (CC Veith, Citadels of Chaos, Meador, 1949.)
"And it proved sound. It worked. In less than ten years Germany became easily the most powerful state in Europe. It worked so magically and magnificently that it sounded the death knell of the entire (Zionist) Jewish money system. World Jewry knew that they had to destroy Hitler's system, by whatever means might prove necessary, or their own [system of usury] would necessarily die. And if it died, with it must die their dream and their hope of making themselves masters of the world. The primary issue over which World War II was fought was to determine which money system was to survive. At bottom it was not a war between Germany and the so-called allies. Primarily it was war to the death between Germany and the International Money Power." --William Gayley Simpson, 'Which Way Western Man' (p.642)

Secret CIA Documents On Truman & Zionist Terrorism

November 28, 1947 on the eve of the UN "vote" and titled "The Consequences of the Partition of Palestine" (Now Declassified document):

Bush like Hitler, says first Muslim in Congress

America's first Muslim congressman has provoked outrage by apparently comparing President George W Bush to Adolf Hitler and hinting that he might have been responsible for the September 11 attacks.

WTC7 - This is an Orange

Friday, July 13, 2007

Podcast 1

In this podcast I introduce myself a bit, and entail what future podcasts will be like, as well as address some of the current issues. File can be downloaded here.

What is Eugenics?

This is what is coming soon. READ!! Read what is taking place today, from wherever place tells it like it really is. Mainstream media is gone, they are paid liars. This subject is what the government has always wanted to do, to reduce the trouble of ruling of mankind, or mankind resisting and rising up.

If you would like to read more about the subject of Eugenics click here.

U.S. involvement with Eugenics:

"Eugenics is a social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention.[1] The goals of various groups advocating eugenics have included the creation of healthier, more intelligent people, to save society's resources, and lessen human suffering, as well as desires to breed for optimal qualities.

Earlier proposed means of achieving these goals focused on selective breeding, while modern ones focus on prenatal testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and genetic engineering. Opponents argue that eugenics is immoral and is based on, or is itself, pseudoscience. Historically, eugenics has been used as a justification for coercive state-sponsored discrimination and human rights violations, such as forced sterilization of persons who are claimed to have genetic defects, the killing of the institutionalized and, in some cases, outright genocide of races perceived as inferior or undesirable.

Breeding of human beings was suggested at least as far back as Plato, but the modern field and term was first formulated by Sir Francis Galton in 1865, drawing on the recent work of his cousin Charles Darwin. From its inception eugenics was supported by prominent people, including Alexander Graham Bell, George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler. Eugenics was an academic discipline at many colleges and universities. Funding was provided by prestigious sources such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Institute of Washington, and the Harriman family.[2] Its scientific reputation started to tumble in the 1930s, a time when Ernst Rüdin began incorporating eugenic rhetoric into the racial policies of Nazi Germany.

Since the postwar period, both the public and the scientific community has generally associated eugenics with Nazi abuses, which included enforced racial hygiene, human experimentation, and the extermination of undesired population groups. Developments in genetic, genomic, and reproductive technologies at the end of the 20th century however, have raised many new questions and concerns about what exactly constitutes the meaning of eugenics and what its ethical and moral status is in the modern era."-

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Communicating through money-EA

Hypothetical circumstance in which a mechanism of mass communication can be achieved.

In the world filled with high speed communications today, it seems that the Collective of Humanity is still very slow. But that is a side issue that require paragraphs, and is off topic. The Collective is slow though, and needs constant 'reminding' as to what is the present.

I way to transmit a message to a large group of people continuously is through the use of the fiat currency itself. In the 80s and 90s there was much writing on the dollar, that of which we have 'all' read at some point, and some of it has become urban legend as well. My point is that this form of communication is best. For one, it constantly is in circulation; unlike a flyer for instance, and is repeatedly reinforced into the sub-conscious on a daily basis.

What paper do you have in your pocket right now? Many ones, some 5s, few 10s, and maybe 1 20?

That would be about average I would 'presume'. Im going to begin to write on 1, 5, and 10's. I will take $150 a week, break them down into that sequence. I will then disperse them.

I live in a country setting, so I will then exchange at all stores in the surrounding 30 mile diameter of my location.

If a person lives in a city then within a square mile, many locations can be achieved.

Over a period of a week $100 will circulate between many people, people who will look at the writing on the paper money. It might be a passing glance, but when was the last time you saw any writing on the money? When they get home, then will pull it out, or remember what was written, and begin to research.

Lets say that just 1000 people from all over the country start doing this. Within a week, the possibility to reach 10,000 people is fairly easy. The numbers multiply rapidly, of the exposure of the message to common people, without the middle man of the media.....

I will be writing on both sides Ron, and

I will wright both below the 'green space', below the frame of the print in the margin, where it will be most visible, and clearly seen..

I hope this will spark more ideas of how we can spread messages without the middle mad media to the grassroots, without having to 'pay' anything........

Start marking!!!


'Sun not responsible for climate change'

The strongest evidence to date that the sun is not responsible for recent global warming has been set out by scientists.

Compromised at the Top

Compromised at the Top

How do you conduct an imperialist campaign abroad and erect a police state domestically? You launch a phony war on terrorism to act as the pretext. How do you prevent the phony war on terrorism from becoming a genuine war on terrorism? You make sure you have a thoroughly compromised individual acting as your Commander in chief. On June 20, 2007, the Bush administration made moves demonstrating that the President is just such a compromised individual. The Bureau of Intelligence and Research at the State Department hosted a meeting with other intelligence community representatives to discuss the opening of "more formal channels" to the Muslim Brotherhood (Lake, no pagination). This is just the latest in a series of moves made by the administration to reach out to the Muslim Brotherhood (known in Arabic as Ikhwan) (no pagination). One of the Brotherhood supporters at the June 20 meeting was Robert Leiken (no pagination). Robert Leiken, a scholar at the Nixon Center, was commissioned by the National Intelligence Council to put together a paper on the history of the Muslim Brotherhood earlier in 2007 (no pagination). According to administration officials, Leiken's paper to the National Intelligence Council drew the attention of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and senior members of the National Security Council (no pagination).

Other acts of bridge building between the administration and the Brotherhood are worth mentioning. On April 7, 2007, Congressional leaders went to a reception where Muslim Brotherhood representatives were present (no pagination). The National Security Council and the State Department had an indirect meeting with the Syrian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in 2006 through discussions with the National Salvation Front, a new Syrian opposition group (no pagination). Even Iraq's Vice President, Tariq al-Hashemi, is the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood's Iraq branch (no pagination). Hashemi was encouraged by George W. Bush to form an alliance that would replace Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's government (Slavin, no pagination). This move was supposedly to counter the influence of Muqtada al-Sadr (no pagination).

By courting the idea of official diplomacy with the Muslim Brotherhood, the President is overtly jumping into bed with the very enemy he claims to be fighting. The Muslim Brotherhood has several close ties to Al-Qaeda. Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the architect of the September 11 attacks, joined the Muslim Brotherhood at the age of sixteen and attended the Brotherhood's desert youth camps (Mintz and Farah, no pagination). Ayman Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's deputy, was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood's Egyptian branch (no pagination). According to Seymour Hersh, the Brotherhood may have even been involved in the September 11 attacks. Hersh states: "Many of the September 11th hijackers had operated out of cells in Aachen and Hamburg, where Al Qaeda was working with the Brotherhood" (no pagination). Given the connections between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, one would think that the United States government would be interested in cracking down on the Brotherhood. However, that has not been the case. After September 11, Syria's leader, Bashar Assad:

initiated the delivery of Syrian intelligence to the United States. The Syrians had compiled hundreds of files on Al Qaeda, including dossiers on the men who participated - and others who wanted to participate - in the September 11th attacks. Syria also penetrated Al Qaeda cells throughout the Middle East and in Arab exile communities throughout Europe. That data began flowing to C.I.A. and F.B.I. operatives. (Hersh, no pagination)

Syria was willing to seek a security relationship with America because of Al Qaeda's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood's Syrian branch (no pagination). Syria felt that it shared a common enemy with the United States in the Muslim Brotherhood. Syria's rivalry with the Muslim Brotherhood began with Bashar's father, Hafez Assad. Seymour Hersh elaborates:

In 1982, after years of increasingly violent terrorist attacks throughout Syria, Hafez Assad ordered a massive military assault on the Muslim Brotherhood in the northern city of Hama. He saw the group as a threat to his control of Syria, and his forces, showing little mercy, killed at least five thousand people, many of them civilians, in a month long battle that left the city in ruins. (No pagination)

According to former CIA operative Robert Baer: "The Syrians know that the Saudis were involved in the financing of the Muslim Brotherhood and they for sure know the names" (no pagination). The Syrians were willing to share the names of the Muslim Brotherhood's members with the United States on the condition that an invasion of Iraq would be avoided (no pagination). America declined the offer and the security relationship with Syria broke down (no pagination).

Instead of confronting the Muslim Brotherhood, the United States government seems to have actually collaborated with them. Former CIA official Graham E. Fuller's words seem to sum up the government's position:

"It is the preeminent movement in the Muslim world," said Graham E. Fuller, a former CIA official specializing in the Middle East. "It's something we can work with." Demonizing the Brotherhood "would be foolhardy in the extreme," he warned. (Mintz and Farah, no pagination)

John Mintz and Douglas Farah elaborate on the relationship between the United States government and the Muslim Brotherhood:

For years, State Department and CIA officials have met with Brotherhood activists in Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, the Palestinian territories and elsewhere to track currents within Islamic politics.

"We want to know where they're coming from, to influence them," said Edward P. Djerejian, a former top State Department official who now runs Rice University's James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy.

At the same time, host governments in Cairo, Tunis and elsewhere warn that the Brotherhood is dangerous. So do many in U.S. law enforcement. "There were debates all the time about meeting with them," Djerejian said.

Since the Sept. 11 attacks, pockets in the government -- including officials in State's Near East bureau and diplomats posted overseas -- have quietly advocated that the government reach out to the Brotherhood and its allies. These officials and some in U.S. think tanks hope the Brotherhood can temper its anti-U.S. stance and become a barrier against jihadists worldwide. (No pagination)

Does the government really believe the Brotherhood will abandon its anti-American sentiments and act as a bulwark against jihadists? So far, neither has happened and the United States government still seems to be in a cozy relationship with the Brotherhood. If the Bush administration fully embraces the Brotherhood, that relationship will become formal and official. The unholy alliance between the Bush administration and the very terrorist threat it is supposed to be fighting will be out of the closet and in our faces. And, of course, it will be impossible for Bush to fight with someone who is his ally.

Sources Cited

About the Authors

Phillip D. Collins acted as the editor for The Hidden Face of Terrorism. He co-authored the book The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship, which is available at It is also available as an E-book at Phillip has also written articles for Paranoia Magazine, MKzine, News With Views, B.I.P.E.D.: The Official Website of Darwinian Dissent and Conspiracy Archive. He has also been interviewed on several radio programs, including A Closer Look, Peering Into Darkness, From the Grassy Knoll, Frankly Speaking, the ByteShow, and Sphinx Radio.

In 1999, Phillip earned an Associate degree of Arts and Science. In 2006, he earned a bachelor's degree with a major in communication studies and liberal studies along with a minor in philosophy. During the course of his seven-year college career, Phillip has studied philosophy, religion, political science, semiotics, journalism, theatre, and classic literature. He recently completed a collection of short stories, poetry, and prose entitled Expansive Thoughts. Readers can learn more about it at

Paul D. Collins has studied suppressed history and the shadowy undercurrents of world political dynamics for roughly eleven years. In 1999, he earned his Associate of Arts and Science degree. In 2006, he completed his bachelor's degree with a major in liberal studies and a minor political science. Paul has authored another book entitled The Hidden Face of Terrorism: The Dark Side of Social Engineering, From Antiquity to September 11. Published in November 2002, the book is available online from,, and also It can be purchased as an e-book (ISBN 1-4033-6798-1) or in paperback format (ISBN 1-4033-6799-X). Paul also co-authored The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship.

A comprehensive collection of Collins articles can be found at:

The Ultimate Con

This is the much awaited and anticipated complete 911 Documentary. This has no narration or conjecture, only news footage and interviews to tell the story.

Senate panel cuts off funds to Cheney

WASHINGTON - Senate Democrats moved Tuesday to cut off funding for Vice President Dick Cheney's office in a continuing battle over whether he must comply with national security disclosure rules.

Scientists find signs of water beyond solar system

LONDON (Reuters) - Astronomers said on Wednesday they had discovered the best evidence yet of water outside our own solar system -- in the atmosphere of a giant planet 60 light years from Earth.



It has been called "the most astounding piece of sleight of hand ever invented." The creation of money has been privatized, usurped from Congress by a private banking cartel. Most people think money is issued by fiat by the government, but that is not the case. Except for coins, which compose only about one one-thousandth of the total U.S. money supply, all of our money is now created by banks. Federal Reserve Notes (dollar bills) are issued by the Federal Reserve, a private banking corporation, and lent to the government.1 Moreover, Federal Reserve Notes and coins together compose less than 3 percent of the money supply. The other 97 percent is created by commercial banks as loans.2

Don't believe banks create the money they lend? Neither did the jury in a landmark Minnesota case, until they heard the evidence. First National Bank of Montgomery vs. Daly (1969) was a courtroom drama worthy of a movie script.3 Defendant Jerome Daly opposed the bank's foreclosure on his $14,000 home mortgage loan on the ground that there was no consideration for the loan. "Consideration" ("the thing exchanged") is an essential element of a contract. Daly, an attorney representing himself, argued that the bank had put up no real money for his loan. The courtroom proceedings were recorded by Associate Justice Bill Drexler, whose chief role, he said, was to keep order in a highly charged courtroom where the attorneys were threatening a fist fight. Drexler hadn't given much credence to the theory of the defense, until Mr. Morgan, the bank's president, took the stand. To everyone's surprise, Morgan admitted that the bank routinely created money "out of thin air" for its loans, and that this was standard banking practice. "It sounds like fraud to me," intoned Presiding Justice Martin Mahoney amid nods from the jurors. In his court memorandum, Justice Mahoney stated:

Plaintiff admitted that it, in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, . . . did create the entire $14,000.00 in money and credit upon its own books by bookkeeping entry. That this was the consideration used to support the Note dated May 8, 1964 and the Mortgage of the same date. The money and credit first came into existence when they created it. Mr. Morgan admitted that no United States Law or Statute existed which gave him the right to do this. A lawful consideration must exist and be tendered to support the Note.

The court rejected the bank's claim for foreclosure, and the defendant kept his house. To Daly, the implications were enormous. If bankers were indeed extending credit without consideration – without backing their loans with money they actually had in their vaults and were entitled to lend – a decision declaring their loans void could topple the power base of the world. He wrote in a local news article:

This decision, which is legally sound, has the effect of declaring all private mortgages on real and personal property, and all U.S. and State bonds held by the Federal Reserve, National and State banks to be null and void. This amounts to an emancipation of this Nation from personal, national and state debt purportedly owed to this banking system. Every American owes it to himself . . . to study this decision very carefully . . . for upon it hangs the question of freedom or slavery.

Needless to say, however, the decision failed to change prevailing practice, although it was never overruled. It was heard in a Justice of the Peace Court, an autonomous court system dating back to those frontier days when defendants had trouble traveling to big cities to respond to summonses. In that system (which has now been phased out), judges and courts were pretty much on their own. Justice Mahoney, who was not dependent on campaign financing or hamstrung by precedent, went so far as to threaten to prosecute and expose the bank. He died less than six months after the trial, in a mysterious accident that appeared to involve poisoning.4 Since that time, a number of defendants have attempted to avoid loan defaults using the defense Daly raised; but they have met with only limited success. As one judge said off the record:

If I let you do that – you and everyone else – it would bring the whole system down. . . . I cannot let you go behind the bar of the bank. . . . We are not going behind that curtain!5

From time to time, however, the curtain has been lifted long enough for us to see behind it. A number of reputable authorities have attested to what is going on, including Sir Josiah Stamp, president of the Bank of England and the second richest man in Britain in the 1920s. He declared in an address at the University of Texas in 1927:

The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin . . . . Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. . . . Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. . . . But, if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.

Robert H. Hemphill, Credit Manager of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta in the Great Depression, wrote in 1934:

We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon.6

Graham Towers, Governor of the Bank of Canada from 1935 to 1955, acknowledged:

Banks create money. That is what they are for. . . . The manufacturing process to make money consists of making an entry in a book. That is all. . . . Each and every time a Bank makes a loan . . . new Bank credit is created -- brand new money.7

Robert B. Anderson, Secretary of the Treasury under Eisenhower, said in an interview reported in the August 31, 1959 issue of U.S. News and World Report:

[W]hen a bank makes a loan, it simply adds to the borrower's deposit account in the bank by the amount of the loan. The money is not taken from anyone else's deposit; it was not previously paid in to the bank by anyone. It's new money, created by the bank for the use of the borrower.

How did this scheme originate, and how has it been concealed for so many years? To answer those questions, we need to go back to the seventeenth century.

The Shell Game of the Goldsmiths

In seventeenth century Europe, trade was conducted primarily in gold and silver coins. Coins were durable and had value in themselves, but they were hard to transport in bulk and could be stolen if not kept under lock and key. Many people therefore deposited their coins with the goldsmiths, who had the strongest safes in town. The goldsmiths issued convenient paper receipts that could be traded in place of the bulkier coins they represented. These receipts were also used when people who needed coins came to the goldsmiths for loans.

The mischief began when the goldsmiths noticed that only about 10 to 20 percent of their receipts came back to be redeemed in gold at any one time. They could safely "lend" the gold in their strongboxes at interest several times over, as long as they kept 10 to 20 percent of the value of their outstanding loans in gold to meet the demand. They thus created "paper money" (receipts for loans of gold) worth several times the gold they actually held. They typically issued notes and made loans in amounts that were four to five times their actual supply of gold. At an interest rate of 20 percent, the same gold lent five times over produced a 100 percent return every year, on gold the goldsmiths did not actually own and could not legally lend at all. If they were careful not to overextend this "credit," the goldsmiths could thus become quite wealthy without producing anything of value themselves. Since only the principal was lent into the money supply, more money was eventually owed back in principal and interest than the townspeople as a whole possessed. They had to continually take out loans of new paper money to cover the shortfall, causing the wealth of the town and eventually of the country to be siphoned into the vaults of the goldsmiths-turned-bankers, while the people fell progressively into their debt.8

Following this model, in nineteenth century America, private banks issued their own banknotes in sums up to ten times their actual reserves in gold. This was called "fractional reserve" banking, meaning that only a fraction of the total deposits managed by a bank were kept in "reserve" to meet the demands of depositors. But periodic runs on the banks when the customers all got suspicious and demanded their gold at the same time caused banks to go bankrupt and made the system unstable. In 1913, the private banknote system was therefore consolidated into a national banknote system under the Federal Reserve (or "Fed"), a privately-owned corporation given the right to issue Federal Reserve Notes and lend them to the U.S. government. These notes, which were issued by the Fed basically for the cost of printing them, came to form the basis of the national money supply.

Twenty years later, the country faced massive depression. The money supply shrank, as banks closed their doors and gold fled to Europe. Dollars at that time had to be 40 percent backed by gold, so for every dollar's worth of gold that left the country, 2.5 dollars in credit money also disappeared. To prevent this alarming deflationary spiral from collapsing the money supply completely, in 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt took the dollar off the gold standard. Today the Federal Reserve still operates on the "fractional reserve" system, but its "reserves" consist of nothing but government bonds (I.O.U.s or debts). The government issues bonds, the Federal Reserve issues Federal Reserve Notes, and they basically swap stacks, leaving the government in debt to a private banking corporation for money the government could have issued itself, debt-free.

Theft by Inflation

M3, the broadest measure of the U.S. money supply, shot up from $3.7 trillion in February 1988 to $10.3 trillion 14 years later, when the Fed quit reporting it. Why the Fed quit reporting it in March 2006 is suggested by John Williams in a website called "Shadow Government Statistics" (, which shows that by the spring of 2007, M3 was growing at the astounding rate of 11.8 percent per year. Best not to publicize such figures too widely! The question posed here, however, is this: where did all this new money come from? The government did not step up its output of coins, and no gold was added to the national money supply, since the government went off the gold standard in 1933. All of this new money could only have been created privately as "bank credit" advanced as loans.

The problem with inflating the money supply in this way, of course, is that it inflates prices. More money competing for the same goods drives prices up. The dollar buys less, robbing people of the value of their money. This rampant inflation is usually blamed on the government, which is accused of running the dollar printing presses in order to spend and spend without resorting to the politically unpopular expedient of raising taxes. But the only money the U.S. government actually issues are coins. In countries in which the central bank has been nationalized, paper money may be issued by the government along with coins, but paper money still composes only a very small percentage of the money supply. In England, where the Bank of England was nationalized after World War II, private banks continue to create 97 percent of the money supply as loans.9

Price inflation is only one problem with this system of private money creation. Another is that banks create only the principal but not the interest necessary to pay back their loans. Since virtually the entire money supply is created by banks themselves, new money must continually be borrowed into existence just to pay the interest owed to the bankers. A dollar lent at 5 percent interest becomes 2 dollars in 14 years. That means the money supply has to double every 14 years just to cover the interest owed on the money existing at the beginning of this 14 year cycle. The Federal Reserve's own figures confirm that M3 has doubled or more every 14 years since 1959.10 That means that every 14 years, banks siphon off as much money in interest as there was in the entire economy 14 years earlier. This tribute is paid for lending something the banks never actually had to lend, making it perhaps the greatest scam ever perpetrated, since it now affects the entire global economy. The privatization of money is the underlying cause of poverty, economic slavery, underfunded government, and an oligarchical ruling class that thwarts every attempt to shake it loose from the reins of power.

This problem can only be set right by reversing the process that created it. Congress needs to take back the Constitutional power to issue the nation's money. "Fractional reserve" banking needs to be eliminated, limiting banks to lending only pre-existing funds. If the power to create money were returned to the government, the federal debt could be paid off, taxes could be slashed, and needed government programs could be expanded. Contrary to popular belief, paying off the federal debt with new U.S. Notes would not be dangerously inflationary, because government securities are already included in the widest measure of the money supply. The dollars would just replace the bonds, leaving the total unchanged. If the U.S. federal debt had been paid off in fiscal year 2006, the savings to the government from no longer having to pay interest would have been $406 billion, enough to eliminate the $390 billion budget deficit that year. The budget could have been met with taxes, without creating money out of nothing either on a government print press or as accounting entry bank loans.

However, some money created on a government printing press could actually be good for the economy. It would be good if it were used for the productive purpose of creating new goods and services, rather than for the non-productive purpose of paying interest on loans. When supply (goods and services) goes up along with demand (money), they remain in balance and prices remain stable. New money could be added up to the point of full employment, allowing for the funding of much-needed programs such as the development of alternative energy sources and the expansion of health coverage, while at the same time reducing taxes.

1 Wright Patman, A Primer on Money (Government Printing Office, prepared for the Sub-committee on Domestic Finance, House of Representatives, Committee on Banking and Currency, 88th Congress, 2nd session, 1964).
2 See Federal Reserve Statistical Release H6, "Money Stock Measures," (February 23, 2006); "United States Mint 2004 Annual Report,"; Ellen Brown, Web of Debt, (2007), chapter 2.
3 "A Landmark Decision," The Daily Eagle (Montgomery, Minnesota: February 7, 1969), reprinted in part in P. Cook, "What Banks Don't Want You to Know," (June 3, 1993).
4 See Bill Drexler, "The Mahoney Credit River Decision,"
5 G. Edward Griffin, "Debt-cancellation Programs," (December 18, 2003).
6 In the Foreword to Irving Fisher, 100% Money (1935), reprinted by Pickering and Chatto Ltd. (1996).
7 Quoted in "Someone Has to Print the Nation's Money . . . So Why Not Our Government?", Monetary Reform Online, reprinted from Victoria Times Colonist (October 16, 1996).
8 Chicago Federal Reserve, "Modern Money Mechanics" (1963), originally produced and distributed free by the Public Information Center of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, now available on the Internet at; Patrick Carmack, Bill Still, The Money Masters: How International Bankers Gained Control of America (video, 1998), text at
9 James Robertson, John Bunzl, Monetary Reform: Making It Happen (2003),, page 26.
10 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, "M3 Money Stock (discontinued series),"

EU rejects assassination to fight terrorism

BERLIN (Reuters) - The European Union does not support the idea of using assassinations in the fight against terrorism, EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini was quoted as saying on Thursday.

Ron Paul On Tucker Carlson 7/11/07

Sheehan: Distinct Chance Of Staged Attack, Martial Law

Cindy Sheehan, the famous Peace Mom who recently expressed her intention to run against Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco, says there's a "distinct possibility" that America will be hit with another staged terror attack that will allow Bush to enact the martial law provisions he recently signed into law.

Rudy's 9/11 Failures of Leadership Exposed by Fire Fighters

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

G. Edward Griffin - 4th of July & The Creature From Jekyll Island

Links & Sources to the program
G. Edward Griffin - 4th of July & The Creature From Jekyll Island
July 5, 2007

Writer and Documentary filmmaker G. Edward Griffin talks about his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island", his video "The Capitalist Conspiracy" and much more. Topics Discussed: Thoughts on 4th of July, World Government, Collectivism: "for the greater good", the delusion of democracy, Mind Control, Body Control, Growth of Government; like growth of Cancer, the Human Spirit & the Awakening, International Terrorism; Manufactured, the Fear Factor, the Dual Factor of Exposing the Hidden Hand, the Root of the Problem; a Philosophy or Ideology, Social Engineering, The Creature and Jekyll Island, The Nature of the Federal Reserve System, JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Wall Street, "The Money Trust", The Seven members at the Jekyll Island Meetings representing 1/4 of the wealth of the world and much more.

G. Edward Griffins Bio

The Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View of International Banking by G. Edward (Video)

America: Freedom to Fascism (Video)

The Bankers Manifesto of 1892

The People vs The Banks

The Creature from Jekyll Island

The Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View of International Banking

New Laws Of Physics Noted In WTC Fires And Ignored

Consitent Surface Fires in the WTC pile did not exist after the third day. Supposedly fires raged 'underground' under several inches of powdered concrete. Physics/logic dictates that fire must be supplied Oxygen to burn. Fuel will not burn without oxygen.
Basic logic/physics/fire prevention predicts that covering a fire with dirt puts out the fire by cutting the supply of oxygen. Based on the evidence and experience Dr. Cahill states several times that the WTC pile is 'Oxygen Poor', notes Anaerobic = without oxygen insights, AND 'Chlorine Rich = LARGE amounts of Chlorine. Hmm, oxygen poor that doesn't sound like a good mix for a 'fire' that is going to be so hot it makes molten metal - most likely scenerio - steel (complete BS even in a real fire).

Privacy watchdog warns of "horrifying" breaches

LONDON (Reuters) - Banks, shops and government departments have exposed thousands in Britain to the risk of fraud through "horrifying" breaches of data protection laws, a watchdog said on Wednesday.

Dollar plunges to fresh lows

The dollar has plunged to its lowest level ever against the euro amid evidence that the American housing market slowdown may be leaching into other areas of the economy.

The only hope for America.

Congressman Ron Paul
is the leading advocate for freedom in our nation’s capital. As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dr. Paul tirelessly works for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. He is known among his congressional colleagues and his constituents for his consistent voting record. Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution.

Again, this man is our only hope. You need to research him for yourself.

Ron Paul can be found here on myspace.

Ron Paul can be found on youtube here.

Ron Paul on meetup.

Ron Paul at eventful.

Ron Paul on facebook.

Ron Paul at digg.

Ron Paul at flicker.

Videos of Congressman Paul.

The Truth About Iran- Scott Ritter- Target Iran-Part 1and 2.

"War will not solve any problem we face with Iran."

Scott Ritter, former Major of the US Marines and Chief UNSCOM Weapons Inspector in Iraq, spoke on the folly of war with Iran in the General Pershing Room of the War Memorial, Indianapolis, IN on April 18, 2007.

This is Part 1 - his presentation in the program "US Policy in the Middle East; Target Iran and the role of Congress."

Clips from the Q and A will follow. He spoke on a two person panel with the Honorable Andy Jacobs, former Congressperson from Indiana.

The program was sponsored by Veterans for Peace, Indiana Chapter #49, Indianapolis Peace House & Plowshares, Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center, and Traprock Peace Center.

Moderator: Pierre Atlas
Political Science Professor and Director of Franciscan Center for Global Studies at Marian College

Video recorded and edited by Charles Jenks; © 2007 Traprock Peace Center; all rights reserved. Contact:


Scott Ritter: Weapons of Mass Delusion

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Data on Americans mined for terror risk

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The FBI is gathering and sorting information about Americans to help search for potential terrorists, insurance cheats and crooked pharmacists, according to a government report obtained Tuesday.

It looks like another false flag terror event is close at hand.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. counterterror officials are warning of an increased risk of an attack this summer, given al-Qaida's apparent interest in summertime strikes and increased al-Qaida training in the Afghan-Pakistani border region.

On Tuesday, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told the editorial board of The Chicago Tribune that he had a "gut feeling" about a new period of increased risk.

He based his assessment on earlier patterns of terrorists in Europe and intelligence he would not disclose.

"Summertime seems to be appealing to them," Chertoff said in his discussion with the newspaper about terrorists. "We worry that they are rebuilding their activities."

Other U.S. counterterrorism officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, shared Chertoff's concern and said that al-Qaida and like-minded groups have been able to plot and train more freely in the tribal areas along the Afghan-Pakistani border in recent months. Osama bin Laden and his top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, are believed to be hiding in the rugged region.

"The threat coming out of there is very real, even if there aren't a lot of specifics attached to it," one of the officials said.

Chertoff's department has not made any move to increase the nation's color-coded terror alert system. Now, airlines are under orange - or high - alert, which is the second most serious level on a five-point scale. The rest of the country remains a step below at yellow, or elevated.

Chertoff said he is convinced that terrorists are regrouping. "Our edge is technology and the vigilance of the ordinary citizen," he said.

The secretary also urged Americans to be watchful for suspicious activities in the wake of recent terror incidents in England and Scotland. On June 29, two cars packed with gas cylinders and nails were discovered in London's entertainment district. The next day, two extremists smashed their flaming Jeep Cherokee into security barriers at Glasgow Airport's main terminal.

Al-Qaida and its sympathizers have shown an interest in summertime attacks. Some examples from recent years:

- In 2005, London faced two separate sets of transit attacks. The July 7 attacks on three trains and a bus killed 52. A second attack on July 21 was bungled when the detonators failed to light the explosives.

- Last summer, international counterterror authorities said they foiled a plot to use liquid explosives to take down roughly 10 U.S.-bound airliners leaving Britain.

'Use children as medicine guinea pigs'

Children should be used as guinea pigs in clinical research to speed up medical breakthroughs and improve treatment for them, a leading expert says.

About 40 per cent of medicines prescribed to children have never been tested on them. For newborn babies, the figure rises to 90 per cent.

But scientists will only make real breakthroughs in children's medicine if they include children in research programmes as well as adults, Prof John Warner, a consultant paediatrician, says today at the opening of the Paediatric Research Unit in central London, Britain's first unit solely devoted to paediatric clinical research.Most drug research is carried out on adults because it is ethically simpler to obtain consent from them. Critics complain that children are not merely small adults and that therapeutic and side effects can vary widely with age.

There is also a problem with dosing. Doctors are often forced to guess at what the child dose will be.

The shocking truth about how my pal Jim Morrison REALLY died

Police may reopen 36-year-old case after nightclub boss claims rock star was killed by heroin overdose and that drug dealers launched cover-up by moving body

Alex Jones and Freeman

"We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th"...because they might discover the truth of our heinous actions. November 10, 2001 - President Bush Speaks to United Nations

Alex Jones and Freeman team up to "Shock and Awe" the mainstream media. A film crew from the Discovery Channel got more than they had intended as Alex and Freeman tag teamed the crew about the reality of "outrageous conspiracy theories", high profile occult rituals, and the true nature of the world's elite and their dirty deeds. «

07.07.07 Cropcircle in East Field, nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire

"The goal which all the Vedas declare, which all austerities aim at, and which men desire when they lead the life of continence … is Om. This syllable Om is indeed Brahman. Whosoever knows this syllable obtains all that he desires. This is the best support; this is the highest support. Whosoever knows this support is adored in the world of Brahma."
~ Katha Upanishad I

Discuss About Om

Om chant helps me in my meditations... ~ RashmiWill my Om tattoo offend Hindus? ~ Steve

The Untouchable, Unstoppable Ron Paul

First they tried to ignore him, then they tried to embarrass him, and now the attack dogs are out in full- force. In a desperate attempt they are trying to dig up any dirt from his past, but Ron Paul doesn't have any skeletons in his closet. He is a model of consistency, which can't be said for most politicians. The hit pieces are mounting, and many are trying to misrepresent him and his message, but to no avail. You must be doing something right when you are getting attacked from all sides. If Ron Paul has no chance of winning and he is nothing more then a second-tier candidate, as many are suggesting, why is there such a concerted effort to discredit and silence him?

Pro-Immigration Forces Back North American Union

America is finished.

Mexico and Canada are gone too.

In their place: One massive country, the North American Union (NAU), bordered by the Bering Sea to the north and Guatemala to the south, the Atlantic to the east and the Pacific to the west.

NAU citizens no longer spend dollars or salute Old Glory. They spend "ameros," and the flag that waves over its capitals shows the entire Western Hemisphere.

White House again to defy Congress on attorney firings

(07-08) 04:00 PDT Washington -- The White House has decided to defy Congress in its latest demand for information regarding the dismissal of nine U.S. attorneys, sources familiar with the decision said Saturday. Such an action would escalate the constitutional struggle and propel it closer to a court showdown.

Sheehan launches Pelosi challenge

CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) -- Cindy Sheehan bid farewell to her former "peace camp" near President Bush's ranch and began a nearly two-week trek Tuesday toward Washington, D.C., with her sights set on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Review Article: The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases

The Worldwide control of humanity's economic, social and political activities is under the helm of US corporate and military power. Underlying this process are various schemes of direct and indirect military intervention. These US sponsored strategies ultmately consist in a process of global subordination.

TAU takes first steps in creating living cyberbrain

A major challenge for pioneers in artificial intelligence has been to create a living neural network on an artificial substrate. Researching the field known as nanobiotechnology, Tel Aviv University scientists have shown that it is possible to store rudimentary memories in an artificial culture of live neurons. They are apparently the first in the world to have actually stored information in a cultured neural network for an extended period.

China Wins NAFTA Super-Highway Battle

Red China is investing heavily in developing deep-water ports in Mexico to bring an unprecedented volume of containers into the U.S. along the emerging NAFTA Super Highway. This move signals China's emergence as the unexpected economic winner in the North American Union free market.

The History Of The Illuminati

How the Celtic peoples were enslaved by Babylonian tyrants

Report: Wars Costing $12 Billion a Month

WASHINGTON (AP) - The boost in troop levels in Iraq has increased the cost of war there and in Afghanistan to $12 billion a month, and the total for Iraq alone is nearing a half-trillion dollars, congressional analysts say.

Reservist fighting his fifth war call-up

The 26-year-old Port St. Lucie man has been ordered to report to Fort Jackson, S.C., on July 15 for his fifth deployment. And that has compelled Botta, a first-generation American who counts himself a quiet patriot, to do something he never thought he'd do: sue the Army.

Official: Report will say none of Iraq’s goals met

WASHINGTON - A progress report on Iraq will conclude that the U.S.-backed government in Baghdad has not met any of its targets for political, economic and other reform, speeding up the Bush administration's reckoning on what to do next, a U.S. official said Monday.

Why We Should Fear Zionism More Than Islam

Imperialism and Fascism are on the Rise in the USA

James Madison (1751-1836), 4th U.S. President and author of the U.S. Constitution

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carring the cross."

Sinclair Lewis, (It Can't Happen Here, 1935)

"Unhappy events abroad have retaught us two simple truths about the liberty of a democratic people. The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of a private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power."

Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), 32nd US President