..... empirical beast of the burdensome field's, I lie into the grass upon soil, finding the dirt soft to the touch, my finger nimble from the climb of rocks.

In this distant land again we have found ourselves, the sky tarnished by there power, overlooking our distant past

for the mere gains of today has led us here, the hallow heated ground, scorched with colors of heat. The air is hot, the lungs heavy, we hobble across the the surface, running from the wind, with its teeth of sand digging claws it is to the flesh of man, seeking a refuge of water and bread for our weary souls. I hate starting over, but that is all that remains, starting over. But our forefather's knew, they should have, for it was everywhere, even in there movies, trodden souls we are, weaving our way through the heated unknown, desperate to 'know' a glimpse of that life they once had.............
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