!!Government reviels truth about Chemtrails and other manipulations of our Atmosphere!!
Modifying weather using electromagnetic frequency routed through a web; such as cell tower antenna arrays, has been used to alter much of today's weather, this is plain to see on any given day, and there is much information on the subject(see weatherwars.info). Katrina possibly was controlled using electromagnetism, as I way to test the psychological effects of a staged 'Marshal law' on New Orleans, and we saw this then being carried out on TV.!!Government reviels truth about Chemtrails and other manipulations of our Atmosphere!!
I wont mention the name, but a certain film, where new-york city is caught in a massive cold hot conduction zone, and it forms a massive tidal surge, then freezes the entire city, leaving only a few remaining people left alive.
Now we have the city officials telling everyone to prepare for a hurricane, hmmm, the is the opposite of 911, for they knew then, but did not tell anyone, know they are telling everyone what they might do, considering the Illuminati just might be using this as a way of 'false terror'.
One thing is for sure, the storms are becoming more intense on land, and the activities of manipulation are increasing, as well as the hurricanes. It seems they are using the perfect form of terror against the people now, weather, for all they have to do is blame it on the weather, or god, and cover there asses, while trying to make the people more dependent on them, or punishing them for there dissent! Lol, the last round, it missed me, lol!!
You are loosing your grip for sure now, and soon you will fall!! I smell and see fear in your hearts, cowards that you are!!
This summer is going to be very interesting, very interesting indeed!
New Yorker's, you better hope FEMA does not handle the scene!!
Or, they might do everything perfectly, reclaiming there honor with the American people, in order to eventually trap them in the future into falling prey to the concentration camps without much resistance.
Article: New York warned to prepare for hurricanes
Reuters| May 16 2006
This Reuters article is very interesting. The first sentence is "Three major hurricanes will strike the united States this year,". Did you get that? There will be three.
It goes on to state "The 2006 storm season will be a creeping threat" Joe Bastardi projected "5 hurricanes, three of them with winds over 110 miles per hour, would hit the U.S. coastline." He further stated "Early in the season the Texas Gulf Coast faces the highest likelihood of a hurricane strike, possibly putting Gulf energy production in the line of fire," he said. "As early as July, and through much of the rest of the season, the highest level of risk shifts to the Carolinas."

He is stating a fact, there is no 'hypothesis', or he would most probally say "there might be", no, he is saying this with much confidence is he not.
As time moves ever forward, the weather will be used more and more to control us, and our actions. They might even go as far as using holographic projections to incite certain physiological scripts that society was used to implant into the collective conscience of Humanity.
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