History is long and tiresome, a regurgitation of the past, much like this blog, and everything else is, what has already been. Today is different however only in the fact of the proportions, and events point to movements leading to a paradigm shift, and as this being so, Observations will now shift as well. The whole purpose of Blogs like this one is to inform people. We have looked at the yin of life, and what characteristics have been the key factors in the qualities of it.
There is One Energy in the Universe, it is neither good, nor bad, it simply is. It is comprised of everything. And everything is part of it, by having being the pieces of it. In the Universe things build, and things disintegrate. This matter energy does not go anywhere, it is where it is, just taking shape and form in different manisfestations. There are some manifestations, that are not visible to other manifestations. We are manifestations, manifestations of our soul consciousness, that is energized with Universal energy, that comes from the One. The construct of the Universe to be manifested onto is a holograph, that spirals into infinity forever. In our physical realm, what is manifesting is fun for the Human imagination, but in reality does not matter the consequence, for it is just another part of the Universal manifestations.
For instance there is a huge concern today about what is going on in the world, but in reality; whatever that may be aside from the Universal Oneness, these things both don't matter, and they do.
They don't matter because of the greatness of the Universal Oneness, and the nothingness that our Species truly is, the many nothingness's that comprise the Universal Oneness.
However, because of the above mentioned words, this is what makes this important, for we do have to ability to shape existence, through the holograph, to shape our personal desires and aspirations, and this is because of our connection with the Universal oneness.
When we grow, and try to better ourselves, and the conditions in which we live in, in reality we then grow the Universal Oneness, ourselves cannot be separated from it, nor it from us, we all are one, and know what we don't know, before we know it, through this one. Only through being, not knowing, can we become the oneness then, for it does not know, but is.
This is at least my 'personal' perspective at this time, we are always growing, learning, moving forward, or backward. Some standing still.
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