Friday, April 18, 2008

The Secret Order is Crumbling.

Jimmy Carter exposes Israel

Or it sure seems that way? It seems that all the pawns that have been used and now find themselves off the board are starting to have a 'glimmer' of conscious now? It seems that they are starting to choose to defend Mankind against the force they have once worked and pledged their Being to?

I hope this continues.?!?

However, since they are crumbling, and now going for broke, desperate actions will in sue, and Mankind needs now to start preparing for survival, for they will not go down without a violent outburst of raw power, and now that is why we see mounting forces, and tension in the Middle East. And if you look very closely you will see that it is they who are sitting across from one another while at play on the board. After the game is over though they still are on the same side you see.

They have drained Earth and its inhabitants of all resources, value, economy, and power into themselves, and now are moving for the "Sealing of The Capstone", which will be a complete takeover and control of Human affairs upon the planet. Their are many intricately connected pieces of the multilayered puzzle that we call 'reality'. It is such a intricate web, that we hardly notice as it blends into what we have been taught to perceive and conceive.
The only way for Humanity to win THEIR game is to absorb their power and turn it into the "Flower of Life".
The rule will be from the collective input of all Humans living in freedom of exsprestions as "Sovereign Beings of The Universe".

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