Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obama Meets with Neocons

Jennifer Harper
The Washington Times
January 14, 2009
The lefties are mystified. So are a few of the righties.

President-elect Barack Obama enjoyed an intimate dinner at precisely 6:34 p.m. Tuesday with several scions of conservative journalism at stately Will Manor — the swank, $1.9 million home of conservative columnist George Will.
The Weekly Standard’s William Kristol was in attendance. So was David Books of the New York Times and Charles Krauthammer of The Washington Post. It was a knot of “tight, right suits,” according to an White House pool report.
The guests were few; the snub list was lengthy.
Why, no one from this particular paper was there. No girls were allowed. Cable news and talk-radio luminaries were missing — though Rush Limbaugh was across town at a White House soiree. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal went unrepresented at this gentlemen’s repast — which may or may not have included typical red-meat Republican fare and a somber merlot.
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