All across the internet, and after speaking with some internet friends of mine, the consensus is that there is going to be a nuclear attack on the US, perpetrated by the Bush cabal to further there agenda of US Nazi control. Bush needs another terrorist ruse to scare the American people, to further take there liberties and rights away, impeachment hearings of the
criminal Bush start in February. If and when this happens, this will signify the beginning of the end, the end game of the plans of the Illuminate to solidify there full control by replacing him with a stronger arm for the people. If an detonation, or some other 'shockingly awful' event took place, then the American dronelike public would immediately accept Martial Law from there government masters, wanting them to save them from the 'terrorist'. An interesting fact is that the government has ceased its search for Osama; whom has worked and probally still works for the CIA, the hunt for so called terrorist is really nonexistent anyway, for the last thing that Bush really wants is a stop of terror, for then his power would disappear, this is his leverage and it always has been. This will do the same as 9-11, it will rally the public behind the president, and reinforce his dropping approval rating, and distract the public from his impeachment hearings, even if those hearings continue, for he will argue that it is unwise to have them for he and the country is at war. It will all be a distraction, all planned long in advance by the military industrial complexes think tanks. Americans will further fall for the bait, and sink further into the loss of there rights, and the rights of the entire earthly population. He is a man who hides behind words, using them to trick and beat the world into submission. The targets might be Texas City, Austin, Houston, Charleston, S.C, Los Angeles, Ca., and Kansas City, Ka. Right now the Houston PD is running nuclear disaster drills. Oh and by the way Congress will start impeachment hearings of bush, for his words really have no real weight(if you study them), and he tells people what they want to hear, but his actions prove that they are not in line with his words. He is concerned with the rest of the world casting ballots, and voting for themselfs, while at the same time does not listen to the majority in his own country. When people watch him on tv, they hear his words and believe, then read in where his word is not only lacking in action, but is outright evil and factiouslike.
Media interviews with the press with him are all faked and staged, the media just
criminal Bush start in February. If and when this happens, this will signify the beginning of the end, the end game of the plans of the Illuminate to solidify there full control by replacing him with a stronger arm for the people. If an detonation, or some other 'shockingly awful' event took place, then the American dronelike public would immediately accept Martial Law from there government masters, wanting them to save them from the 'terrorist'. An interesting fact is that the government has ceased its search for Osama; whom has worked and probally still works for the CIA, the hunt for so called terrorist is really nonexistent anyway, for the last thing that Bush really wants is a stop of terror, for then his power would disappear, this is his leverage and it always has been. This will do the same as 9-11, it will rally the public behind the president, and reinforce his dropping approval rating, and distract the public from his impeachment hearings, even if those hearings continue, for he will argue that it is unwise to have them for he and the country is at war. It will all be a distraction, all planned long in advance by the military industrial complexes think tanks. Americans will further fall for the bait, and sink further into the loss of there rights, and the rights of the entire earthly population. He is a man who hides behind words, using them to trick and beat the world into submission. The targets might be Texas City, Austin, Houston, Charleston, S.C, Los Angeles, Ca., and Kansas City, Ka. Right now the Houston PD is running nuclear disaster drills. Oh and by the way Congress will start impeachment hearings of bush, for his words really have no real weight(if you study them), and he tells people what they want to hear, but his actions prove that they are not in line with his words. He is concerned with the rest of the world casting ballots, and voting for themselfs, while at the same time does not listen to the majority in his own country. When people watch him on tv, they hear his words and believe, then read in where his word is not only lacking in action, but is outright evil and factiouslike.

being lapdogs to government, and this has been so most of the 20th century, and most countries, that is the 'mainstream media'. There are really a lot of strange things happening today, the spraying of the sky, electromagnetic disturbances in the atmosphere, nature dying before our eyes, the list goes on of what they will do to us to achieve there goals, if means killing children or old women in the name of our plan, then yes they will, the great stage and the actors, the real evil is backstage, with there hands on the light controls, and the mechanisms that control the stage, using simple psychology to achieve the goal. Simple cause and effect, the cause being whatever effect is desired. One day plan to go outside, setting about 2 hours for this event. Watch the sky, to see if there are any white trails in the sky being left by 'aircraft'. After about two hours these trails that are left spread out into the 'perceived' clouds that 'look so pretty', when really they are an aerosol that has dispersed through ejection of the slipstream from 'government' planes. Some will say that this is all exhaust from 'normal' plane paths, and although it is true that with jet engines there is a carbon dioxide emission's, but however they dissipate within seconds of the emission, leaving the sky blue again.
For example think of a car, that is out on a cold day, what is coming out of the talepipe?
Yes 'visible' exhaust, or vapor that dissipates within seconds, but, what happens when there is an 'oily' substance within that emission of the car, yes it is smoky matter that hangs in the air, when it is cold only intensifies the event, because of the density. The same is true with these aircraft, and there is no valid reason for believing that the 'airline' companies have
faulty equipment. No. What ever the reason; and there are many, it
is being done intentionally. Scot Stevens; who is a meteorologies has a very well researched site that helps explain how and why the weather should not, and used to not operate as it is now. Along the same lines as 'electromagnetism', and the manipulations of such is Tom Bearden. Oh and look what MIT is doing, wouldn't this mean they could
control genes with radio frequencies? Think so! Hmmm, maybe thats why the planes are spraying, substance containing genetically altered biological matter in which contains preconfigured code in them, then this code is activated and manipulated upon, done so on a mass
massive scale using mutable devices such as 'HAARP' triangulated from Illumanati controlled bases around the world. And that is why we all feel tired, and our bodies hurt, our minds hurt, because we are being poisoned by these aerosol's that they are spraying, and who knows what they have been really testing on us, there is worse to come though before it gets better. It is obvious though that our entire planet is being manipulated. Some more evidence that 9-11 was staged. There are many people that work specifically on a subject, and then there are those of us that compile the information, all of it, our as much as we can, on varying subjects that are pertinent to all involved. But what is important is that we all do 'something', for then really it is not pointless.
911 simply was allowed to happen, a fraud, the same as Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen, even encyclopedia's tell of it. Of course the government is not going to admit to it, to tell the American public that CIA run organizations and people carried those attacks out, with help from the U.S. military providing technical operations. These people are not stupid. Become aware, release the ignorance that has been placed over you by the men of shadow. Awaken.

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