'I am he, one of the great masters. For thousands of years we have mantained our plan of control through the quise of religion, look into my eye's and see my true nature.'

'Me and our great master's care this little about you and your rights as humans'.

You see our power comes from rich men in robes, and we are nothing more than puppets ourselfs, as are they, for there is a main source of master that we all bow to.

'Thanks for being the
distraction with the staged elections my

'Yes follow us and the master plan, our we will break you.'

This is how we retain our power, by
feeding you what we want you to view as knowledge.

Your individual dreams we will crush, for they threaten our control, for good men cannot remain.

'Isnt it logical to have scapegoats fall, while we retain power in the shadows?'

Our original secret
plans where not able to happen then, but
another dictator will bring it forth.

'I hope we did not give away our master plan, for then the Masters will punish us.'

'The puppets are working nicely arent they.'

'Do as
my masters say or I will crush you with force.'

'Do as I tell you.'
'Obey me and my masters.'
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