It is interesting to think of what we attribute this past circumstances, the fact remains however that some of the founding fathers where
free masons whom had detached as a exstention of the Illuminate, this to was the time period of the '
quickening'; or at least it was the time they viewd these ancient things to start to happen, to start to bring the whole together, the time of rapid building and extending that took place two to three hundred years ago. And people are amazed at the 'progress' in the last 100 years, that process of time accerlerating, was the outcome of the initiation of the quickening three hundred years ago, what we are seeing and experiencing now is just the progression flow of the afterevent waveform, which increases in time as it travels throughout it. The plan of the 'founders' then where not really for our benefit, it was for the benefit of there progeny, and the Illuminate agenda, saving the best for last, when there power will be fully manifested. They also knew that in order to build there power, they would have to appease the people with false power unto themselfs, the ever seeming control they gave them, but in reality they where suffering the momentary burdens of the Master Plan, which was to endure in the shadows while the citizens played with there
false power. If one is to t

hink that they did not have Illuminate connections when they started forming this country, then one needs to study the puzzle more. The founders knew of there orders and mission, for they where just gophers for the Illumines One's, to expand there powers, while sitting in the comfort of there castles. The civil war was nothing more than a fight against the truth bearers, and the Illuminate extension government. And the same will eventually happen here, unless there is a mental
uprising of the American
people, which does not seem a reality. The hard issue is what to do, for all truth seekers want is peace and love to exist again, for that is the way of true wisdom, but the Illuminate know this, and they have devices in place through the
UN to give the people peace and love, and harmony again, but at the price of that being dictated by them alone, and there hand will spread then through the entire earth, which is the will of the Illuminate anyway. So what is the solution, there have been many, and still are, but which one will finally come to be? The
Quickening was interjected into religion by the
Illuminate, by the main power hubs of themselfs; if not the main, the
Vatican. It was a ploy to appearingly give the people purpose of there submission to a ideal by fear, the fear of burning forever, or enjoying a bliss. This is basic psychology at its finest, they feed on people's personal believes to achieve there agenda in secrecy, for a person trusts ones believe, for that is why they believe as they do, and the powers that are know this, and slip there
agenda sheepishly into the realm of these people's believes, being wolves that manipulate through wool coverings, feeding the people there own believes, laden with fear as the ploy, when really all we want is peace, and rest from the turmoil that exists right now, but not dictated to the people, still retaining the rights that are pure and
moral, not being controlled, and labeled as slaves, and they have done this with implanting people into corporations, government agencies, religion, and academia. This is what they want for us, they will give us our peace, and rest, but it is going to be a high cost of liberty, justice, individualism, creativeness, personal rights, freedom of speech, and really the
freedom to be.

Or have we become so corrupt in our selfs that we need to be in prison, to have our minds locked away, our bodies nothing more than an ox, for the labors of the Master's? Do we need to learn the hard way, so as to have it passionately put into our beings, so that then there is no doubt any longer? And the sad thing is that once it happens getting out will be near impossible, if not entirely, "1984" will come of the pages, and step into reality.
I thought "
The Kentroversy Papers" has some very interesting points of view concerning the exposure to public of the information that has been hidden so vivaciously from them by the Illuminate; more specificly the U.S. branch of it. There are many theories, but there is a growing sence of something being terribly wrong; and this has been observed for a long time now, and in the collective all be worked out, and understood, time taking place like it should in one form or fashion to bring balance, this though depending upon how long it takes us to bring forth action.
"Learn to read slow: all other
Will follow in their proper places."
(William Walker)
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