(sign of me angry
or frustrated.)
or frustrated.)

I find myself not wanting to do anything anymore, I could waste away without a care, but the nagging 'care' is still there, and therefore I need to get a job; yes that right Im a bum or loser, or whatever other 'creative' singlely discriptive word small minded ones coin, more so to support my hobbies, of which now I cannot do to the full. Yes, this is true, for I know that my hobbies could be a way of income, but for a time having to do things in which I do not 'care' to do to achieve what I care for. It is not that I have not 'worked' before; I did grow up on a ranch, or do not enjoy it, but that I am to worn; because of 'my' lack of exercise, and 'my' body cannot handle the heat, or extreme cold, 'Im' malnutritioned and minerally deprived. I need to filter my water, take vitamin's, eat a healthy diet, and exercise. I need to get a job, just for the sake of getting out of the space Im in. I need to change my attitude concerning 'myself' and my health, for life is enjoyable, the great puzzle that constantly morphs into another puzzle. I need to want, want coming from the self value that it comes from, I am just frustrated, for I get 'comfortable' very easily with circumstances, and change is a nuisance that distracts me, then leading me of into more realm's of the puzzle. I will get up, and gain drive again, I will become healthy, for I am really healthy, I am just giving in to the illustion of not felling that way, which is my choice to begin with, so I will start now to feel good and healthy again, start to exercise, eat right, and fill my life with activity besides a few hobbies alone. I need and will stop smoking, for it is completely insane especially now because of all the poisonous chemicals that are in them; which could be a hypothectical 'population reduction' plan of the Illuminati. I think that the electromagnetic devices in which they use to alter nominal frequency patterns are operational throughout the world via cell towers, cell devices, computers, satellites, and output centers like 'HAARP', satellites, electricly transcieved, yes that is right using electricity; of course using a differnt frequency span and configuration than electromagnectic, or active vacume derived energy sources, . All driven at controlling bodily functions of the target, preconfigured desinated frequency spans, depending on what result is desired. They obviously 'can' use this massive grid for the entire populations, but for a specific target, persons or people, they could triangulate, and then harmonize the frequecy to this 'targets' exact field of coordinate, they then use the electromagnectics' to manipulate the actual genes of target, like MIT is working on; however Im sure they have been working on things of this nature for a while, just now revieling it to the public, that of which Dr. Rife laid the foundation of.
I personally think that Dr. Rife was used by the Illuminati, he did not want to go along with there plan; unlike einstein who gave in, and then regreted that decision later in life saying"The release of atomic power has changed everything except our way of thinking...the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I would have become a watchmaker"(Einstein), becoming disilustioned then with polotics, and that is why they 'blackballed' him; hmmm pharmaceutical companies against one person that has a free cure for most diseases, and a form of 'daily' vitamin; taken by the use of electromagnetism, the active vacuum, orgone, and radio frequecies, they understood what that meant, and took most of his work and left him discredited; for the Rife technology does exsist today as well as many others, it has been worked on by 'black'
operations, then given to 'Front' companies to sell to the public, although all the while having been' silently' worked on. When Einstein made that statement, he was not refering to "knowing" in the sence of the atomic detonation; for he was a man of Science, Physicists, and Mathematician, he knew full well what his equation was capable of, "known" is referring to 'him' knowing not, that the outcomes of his work where going to be used the way they where. What is the result desired by the 'Illuminati'; the Skull & Bones being the Illuminati Sub-branch of the entire north-western continent, projected and achieved through there titled 'essay', the "New World Order"? For more information on essay's, go here. Is it to help the poor to gain again, to furninsh people with freedom, to increase true enlightenment, yes, it really is. But it is by rule of them, there hearts, there minds, that will make there order vast and vicelike, not the combined cultures of the Earths people's. Truly then, will this be what it takes for 'Human Kind', to be enslaved compleately to finally learn enlightenment, and the way of the great elders again, but learning so the hard way, through trail? Unfortunately, I think so, I know so, so do they, and it will be so.. There will be no enlightenment of the people, and they have known this a long time, that this was our weakness to destroy, was care, and they reinact this 'cremation' every year in the pines of california. Yes that is right, world domination, the ultimate 'monopoly', all furnished at the world inhabitant's expense's, which after there population reduction, will be around three hundred million people, around the population of the US. Do you remember seeing movies growing up as I did, movies depicting a scenario such as these things, and like I have said before "Admitting the truth before all, knowing that there is no care", yes 'art' imitating 'life', or the life that was behind stage. One small instance of this "A club insider remarked that the Creamation of Care ceremony is inspired by a animted film called "Begone Dull Care". However, the film wasn't made until 1949, this it cannot be the origins of the ritual", art inmitating life! People still continue not to care, from the very beginning in this country, and that all started with the Europeans ' dividing and conquering' the Indian people's, which is what is going on throughout the world as of today, and has been most of the 20th century. I hate and love living in the time period in which I do, but find that enjoying all the puzzles is tiresome, and need a bit of a distraction, and working will fill that void. Working has been reduced to doing, only for the reasons that it furthers what one loves to do that brings joy. Trying to accomplish anything economically in this world is just polishing the brass on a sinking ship, for the collapse will come, probably the count
ries in which we owe; through the UN of course, will hold the US accountable to there loans, further destabilizing the the US, then the UN taking full control, and wal-laa, the New World Order comes out of the shadows in completeness and into the light. Oh this is what is funny, that until then I need to get a job so that I can continue my hobbies. Well doesn't that make sense, oh, it is very uh-hum, logical?.??

'There destroying the cites uncle tom'. (Uncle tom) ' Ok, have a good day, I have to go to work'.
"I came to America because

of the great freedom which
I heard existed in this counry.
I made a mistake in selecting America
as the land of freedom, a mistake
I cannot repair in the balance of my lifetime.
(Albert Einstein)
as the land of freedom, a mistake
I cannot repair in the balance of my lifetime.
(Albert Einstein)
I hate bossy bosses, and mangers, that no matter what you do, or how you do it, it is never good enough. I hate employees who are deceitful, cunning, devious, rude, as they carelessly go about there day as if in a soap opera. And then the customers (that was funny)come in to berate you as well. I hate repeating thousands of times, actions that just become ilky poison in the brain that is called 'a job'. Working 40 hours a week for a pay check that pays only for the expenses of living(and mine are about ten thousand a year), not having five hundred dollars in case your car breaks down, or fifty for the electric bill. Then if ones credit is not 'satisfactory' one has no choice but to rely on money, that of which is insufficient for standards of living in this country. Some will say that a 'higher education' is the way, saying it is a persons 'own' fault for not having a good job, one is 'uneducated', while in the background are post grads, and even post docs who are out of work, everything being shipped overseas, only leaving working at a gas station as the the only options for work. What I mean by 'gas stations' is jobs that no one likes, are boring, offer no reason for enthusiasm or growth from within, and does not release any creative satisfaction in the employee. This is not good for me, for I like new interesting things in work, and tend to find other jobs of 'newness' , for the lack of sustainment of this need for creative, new, stimulating circumstances within the work 'atmosphere'. And really if I feel sometimes if I am to never find the type of work that I enjoy, then why work all that time at
all, just to watch a broken world become crushed dirt. Yep, Im a hippie. That is what destroyed the hippie revolution, was that unfortunately it was founded on 'bumism', a few geniuses are still on the 'street's' though. I think I will take that LSD sitting on the table, oh WOW, perception hasn't changed at all, (damn lying hippies). If only the lie where that simple, but oh no, they have to get crafty do they? Well anyway, yeahhh, talking about exercise, and a job, and all that ' good ole stuff', yeah, ok, right on man, yup, uh-huh. Working is pointless if you have no families, no bills due, no loans to pay of, so there has to be a purpose to work, or unless there will be no purpose. Im in a funny mood and not making sence and think I should stop here. It all is just so pointless, and Im tired, and Im not even that old, so whats up, what is it that is going to be done, or will we just continue to rise every morning for the 'great illusion'. They are subverting all economic 'classes' into eventually one lump of serf's "Daddy what is that falling from the sky?", oh well, that is the economy son, now run along and play.ATTENTION THIS JUST IN-"The bomb is falling, millions fleeing continent". When the takeover does happen, this country will be the worst place to be, for only the 'grass rooted' people in this country; mattering not what there 'own' perspective is, are the only ones standing in the way of the global take over, and it is on the horizon now. The questions are if there is a reason to stay and fight, or will that just be a repeat of the Alamo. The other question is where on earth will be the best place to set up defenses, where is the strongest resistance, for there plans are simple, either you are for them or against them. They are starting to admit now that they are compiling information databases on us, really this has been going on by the NSA, CIA, and the many 'front' corporations that the Illuminati use for there operations, for many years, all the time gathering, sorting, categorizing, the snipets of data the we leave everywhere of ourselves. They want to know what we are doing, where we are at, what thoughts exist in our heads, at every moment. Complete control. The eye in the sky, knowing, seeing all, even before it is. This is there desire.

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