Sunday, March 26, 2006

911 Revisited

For many today what happened on 9/11/01 is now viewed as an inside job from the American Government. However still many cannot see past the flag of the brainwashed perception that something is out of place concerning this subject, and now matter what is presented to them they still believe that a group with plastic knives hijacked the planes and steered them into the Trade Center Buildings.

One can go on and on presenting the evidence forthright, but still some shake there head in disbelieve. The fact is many Scholars, Scientist, Journalist, and many common people today see something as being terribly out of place and wrong. The official 911 report has been reviewed by these same people, and the facts just don't add up.

Realizing that what happened that day is the key to overcoming to problems that exist in this country, for if the majority can finally realize what has happened then maybe that will be what it takes for the people of this country to take there country back from the Dictatorship it has now fallen under.

There are serveral very good videos that document some very disturbing anomalies that took place on 911, and although every opinion of these videos might not be agreed upon, one thing is clear. Something is very wrong and out of place, and the American people have been lied to, as to cover something up.

Below are direct links, and pages with the links of the video documentarie's.

911 Loose Change 2nd Edition with extra footage.
Question with links to videos.
The Pentagon proposed pretexts for wars in past. one hour Guide to 911
Many 911 video documentary's
Google search page on the topic.
MIT professors research on the topic.

There is also another good site Scholars for 911 Truth that has Scholars and Scientist speaking on the subjects of 911.

Whatever you believe on this subject it would behoove you to take a look at this information. In the end after all is said and done, it is just not possible that what took place that day took place like the Government said it did, they are lying to everyone, that is known.

One last note: This country does not belong to any President. It does not belong to any foreign entity. It does not belong to the Illuminati. It belongs to you and me!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All of you conspiracy theory people are total idiots and probably Muslims. Muslims are the scum of the earth, they need to be put in cages and sent back to the place they came from. Muslims, your god is dead , if he ever existed in the 1st place, he is a JOKE an I urinate on the Koran. Isis, PLEASE come try and get me you cowardly homosexuals.