Now most will laugh at the question, saying, what is not wrong with the world today. However many people today might see, but it seems they continually need to be 'reminded', for the memory hole is vast and very quick.
It is also not that any one politician is the issue; it is the entire mechanism, but usually people 'relate' to such things by observing first the governmental entities related to the subject, before a foundation of what is really going on behind the scenes can be established, and the governing 'puppets' are the doorway into the unseen realm of 'who really rules the world'.
The information below is taken right off of www.whitehouse.gov, and then I will briefly interject my observation of that information. This means I will form a hypothesis of that information based on the context of such, the relating subjects that surround it, and the logic associated with this information about the desires of certain people in this world that have control and who further want control as they blatantly flaunt this fact before us all everyday, knowing that most are to ignorant, or obsessed with other things in life that stunt action from within, on a massive scale enough to actually produce no 'CHANGE'. These people think in there mind ' they see who we are, know what we are doing, are spelling it out for everyone to see, but since we have cremated there care, they do not longer care, and will continue in this state until it is to late, until there realizing it cannot be ignored any longer, for it is directly upon them, but then it will be to late, there fate will be sealed, the pages of Orwells book will come fully to life.'
Are they correct when they say this, will there words prove true?
In the first subject Im going to write about I will show how the government does not really care about illegal immigration, nor has it in the last least the last 8 years. No, the 'Powers That Are' desire this to happen, for then it further diminishes the United States. Really they are not concerned about the citizens of the United States, for they know that we are the 'sleeping giant', if only like an ostrich, we pull our heads out of the holes that they are in. Yes, we are the enemy people, in reality we are the warriors, and in reality the entire Earth is waiting for us to act. Who else can, the citizens of this country are the only thing hindering the Illuminatis plans at this point. We can either start to be brave, honorable, strong, or will can continue to be cowards, cowering away from what we really 'know' as the truth deep, deep within our calloused hearts.
At the 'Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun Hotel' in Cancun, Mexico, the President(notice I did not use the word 'our') met with President Fox in an obviously stage play of rhetoric 'Global Diplomacy'.
PRESIDENT BUSH: "Mr. President, thank you very much. First of all, thanks for inviting us to Cancun, it's such a beautiful part of the world. The hospitality is magnificent. I know you were hit hard by hurricanes, which reminds me that I need to thank you and the Mexican people for your strong support and help after Hurricane Katrina." Now this is very interesting, specifically
"I know you were hit hard by hurricanes, which reminds me that I need to thank you and the Mexican people for your strong support and help after Hurricane Katrina."
Why you may ask? Because there is much evidence today that the weather is being controlled by electromagnetic energies, first of all. Second, he is now 'thanking' them for there support. When someone thanks someone else in politics for there support, it is usually preluded by this person being opposed to the 'support', and intimidation is needed, or 'strong' persuasion is needed in order to convince them. The use of hurricanes in Bushs subject context reminds Mr. Fox that if the U.S. government will use this technology against its own people(like in 911 and Katrina), then want makes you think our powers will not use it against you. For information on weather manipulation go to http://www.weatherwars.info.
Bush also said
"I will never forget being on the -- in the Gulf Coast area of my country, helping people -- lift people's spirits. And we went to a school that had been destroyed by Katrina, a little elementary school. And there was the Navy construction team working side-by-side with members of the Mexican Navy. It was a great sign of cooperation, and it reflects the spirit of friendship that defines the relationship between our two countries, and defines our personal relationship."
Now is this really true? Did the U.S. government really show by there actions that they 'really wanted to help people?
Let me show you a picture, this picture is of weaponized patrol's going past people in New Orleans, making sure there was not any stealing of water and food right? Well I it seems that if this 'smaller' vehicle could maneuver around there, so could all the buses, food trucks, water trucks, etc, could as well, as they said they could not, but that is another subject altogether.

Bush also said
"And I think it's important for the people of our countries to know that while we haven't agreed on every single issue, that nevertheless, we work in the spirit of friendship and cooperation."
What does that mean? Is what hes really doing is priming the public to start to 'cooperate' in the desires of Fox, and the Mexican people, which is to be allowed greater freedom in coming to this country illegally? For that is what the whole conversation is about, illegal immigration, and how to deal with it. I don't remember my opinion being thought of or asked about by bush, but here he is again speaking on behalf of the American people, when really the Illuminati agenda is the only thing he is concerned about. In polotics when a leader says "our country supports you", or our people feel this way or that", the leader speaking is usually speaking of 'there administration', and not what the 'people' really want or feel. Take for instance the 911 investigation, the majority of Americans want to case reopened, but this will probally never hapen. So if the leader will not head there own people on a topic related directly to there nation in a very personal and private way, then why would a leader care how the people think about a certain 'policy' of an administration?
"Today we had a very important discussion. We discussed border security. The President understands and I understand we have an obligation to secure our borders. And I want to thank your government for sending out such a strong statement about the need for -- that the shared responsibility we have. In other words, border security is not just one country's prerogative; it's the prerogative and duty of both countries. And we spent time talking about how to work together to continue to strengthen that cooperation necessary to do our duty."
This is just an outright lie, and a joke. First of all there 'IS NO' obligation of the U.S. government as to the subject of border security, this is why people called 'Minute Men' are there doing it for the government. He also said it was "the duty of both countries". Well Fox in the past was encouraging illegal entrance to the U.S. by his own people, and Bushs inaction proves he is not being very dutiful. One paragraph later Bush says "I also appreciate the President's work to enforce Mexicos southern border. It's a difficult job, but, nevertheless, the President shared with me the strategies he's employing to do that job, as well." Does that really add up, the plan of Fox was to send as many Mexicans over illegaly as to force the current situation at hand. Of course this is all a stage, Fox is told to do this, so it appears to the public that the U.S. is just dealing with it, when all along it is really the desire of the NWO.
"And so I told President Fox that I think a program that will work is somebody working on a temporary basis with a tamper-proof ID card. And if they want to become a citizen, they can get in line, but not the head of the line. And I reminded the President I called for an increase of green cards the other day in Washington, D.C., as one way to help manage this issue."
When I lived in Austin Texas I had a friend that worked at a major Technology company there as a manger of the computer science department, he has a Ph.D in computer Science from BYU. He is now out of work, has many bills to pay, and cannot find a job that will correspond with his bills. Most of the jobs have gone overseas. Now this man has to get another job, making less, and doing work he more than likely is highly overqualified for. This means he might fill a spot that perhaps I could have taken, which means I will fill a spot somewhere else, and so forth. My point? What is the difference in illegal immigration, and this new 'ID program'? These people will still take the same jobs they have more than likely, while the upper class is shifted to the middle class, and the middle class if shifted to lower class. This leaves these immigrants in the same position, the economy further reduced by the instability of these people, further destabilizing the U.S.
"One idea, of course, we want to inject in the conversation is the idea of developing alternatives to gasoline that comes from crude oil, that we'd like to see more use of ethanol and how we can work together to increase the crops necessary to become the feedstock for an ethanol production."
This is really funny, there still imprinting on the U.S. mind that we need these type of energy sources, when for about 70 years the technology has existed to harness energy directly from the Active vacuum, with no by-product of this extraction method at all. Of course 'free energy' does not make oil and gas companies very much money.
"But at any rate, the point I'm making is, is that we've got a lot to do in our relationship. President Fox is -- if people take an objective look at his record, one of the things that I'm most proud of, and I think our country must be most appreciative of is the stability of the Mexican economy. It's important to have a trade partner that has got a stable economy. And, Mr. President, you've done a fine job of providing stability and increasing the net worth of your citizens, and that's important for the American economy, as well. The more net worth there is in Mexico, the more likely it is a Mexican may be wanting to buy a U.S. product -- and vice versa, by the way."
Is Bush on drugs again? Is there any way any logical person can buy that the Mexican economy is stable? It might be somewhat stable, but it is very 'weak' to say the least. And even though some economies in Africa are stable, they are still weak and poor, I suppose stably so. He goes on to state some things about NAFTA and then Fox say says "And all this is part of a commitment and obligation of generating opportunities, making sure that we can build up, create jobs, create greater income, revenues for the families in Mexico, the maquilla, the (inaudible) industry installed in the border of the country , we are working with Central American countries with the same purpose. Let us assume shared responsibilities. It is very clear for us that tomorrow the Congress of the United States might approve any sort of bill, any sort of matter, migration wise. It is a sovereign decision, of course, in the United States, but Mexico assumes its responsibilities to work with passion, with commitment, diligently, with our economy and developing opportunities for our people." Hmmm, congress signing anything that comes to it, that sounds familiar, since when did this government stop asking the people, instead of always speaking on behalf of the people, when in reality they are only speaking on behalf of there own agenda's?
"Now, with the same type of orientation, the idea that we share with President Bush to consider an important element to thrust development in the Central American economies so that they can grow, they can generate jobs, that through this project and through this program they can generate actual opportunities in these countries, and this is a program of energy." Interesting, now instead of saying that he wants to share in the ideas of the American people; like bush has said, he is simply saying Bushs idea. The only reason why Bush said this in the first place was to appease the American people, and make it appear that he really cares what we think, that is all, as Fox points out.
FOX said:"With this program, we want to achieve the construction of refineries for oil."-Haliburton,"different docks to build natural gas"-Haliburton,"sources of electric energy on the other hand, and conversion of natural gas -- liquid, fluid gas to natural gas."-Haliburton.
Now to many these actions are clear, the 'Powers That Are' are starting to merge the continent more firmly together, the key with the Illuminati is compartmentalization of whom they are dominating, one world government, and this is just one step closer for 'this' continent to the NWO. Many people also do not understand when rulers such as these two men state something in there context, what they are really saying to one another is that was has been talked about in 'PRIVATE' is being agreed upon in 'PUBLIC' without having to state exactly what was 'said' in private. This action appease the public back into complacency, while confirming to each other that the plan is agreed upon.
The fact remains if the U.S. really wanted to solve these problems they could, but they do not, there upper handlers tell them what to do(in bushs case it is probably his father), all the while spreading the gloss over the publics eyes. Also attending this meeting was Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, three countries, three men, three plans in one.
I think the most ironic part of the whole story is the pictures around the Aztec pyramids, since there calendar only reaches to 2012, and then there visionaries saw a great event on the earth. Now here are men who are directly connected to the people in power that will cause this event to happen, standing on the same ground as those long ago visionaries.
Article can be found at http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/03/20060330-7.html
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