Throughout the ages men of power and money have influenced reality to suite there ego's definition of what is right for the inhabitants of the world. Mostly these events go unnoticed while the populations are concerned with the trivial matters of policy, and in some places even are allowed to have a small hand in shaping such policy. It is only logical to conclude when people meet in secret, that they would rather the 'public' to not be privy to the inner workings of thought that they would enjoy while having privacy, and will lie, deny, or disinform to achieve that privacy

The Money Masters.
The Observers of the Bilderberg Group- !!Good resource site!!

So who and what exactly are these people, who are the founders Denis Healey, Joeseph Retinger, David Rockefeller and Prince Bernhard.
There are many other members since then of course, over the years picking certain ones due there bloodline, or there own clout in the world. These include:

When will everyone see that there is no real power in the people, and in order for the constitution to work properly it has to be operated by people that are not subordinates of these powerful Illuminati, that have all the power, the wealth, the control. Otherwise believing in a system like the constitution is pointless as it is now, and has been in America for a very long time, they just gave us a small, trivial part of the power to appease us, that is all. Prove of this being the fact that after each election people complain of the official not holding up there promises, because they have lied to take power just to be puppets for there masters, that is all, nothing more, and we have allowed this to happen, for they have given us here a realitive good life. But no longer can alot of us be bought, like we ALL have been bought for many years now, the drug of desire that have been giving us is starting to wear of, and more important things are now being realized. This is the end game as well, and now there drug giving hands will start to enslave us, because all we have been for them is slaves to further build there empires of gold, gerbales to wind there money wheel for them, slave labor. Here in the states us slaves have it pretty good, even the worst off of us all is doing better the the other slaves in other parts of the world now aren't we, even the beggars here are fat from the lamb, and always have money for beer.
So why is all this important? Because there is much information that has been passed down through the years of the past of Humanity that effects our present, and future, that they are hiding. Yes there are many starting to become enlightened to the REAL world around them, but will it be enough, and I beg that we start talking solutions, instead of only revealing what is going on, is there any?
The first solution is to completely destroy the Illuminati, or most of it, otherwise there control will be maintained. This means identifying, locating, and isolating them on an individual basis, then preventing them from having any power in society, and from having children, which then will render there bloodline inoperative, ceasing. Then once there control, or most of there control is destroyed, there needs to be mass 'constructive' reasoning within the PEOPLE'S of the earths nations. The first of primary mechanism that needs to be in place is love for and with our Human Family, and view each other as

This is the destiny of ours, to change ourselves, in turn changing our relative existence. Or to allow ourselves to fall into the hands further of people who want nothing more from us than our energy, energy that they view belongs to them and there will.
Which pill will we each choose, the time is here to make that decision!!
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