For anyone in Hollywood to openly question the government takes a lot of courage, for the Illuminati has its fingers deep within the Hollywood sector, and confronting them is dangerous for any famous persons fame. As time goes on, and more facts become clear, it will become hard for ANYONE to have any doubt any longer.
CNN poll shows 75% of Americans support Sheen.

Charlie Sheen 911 story goes viral.
Google caught censoring Charlie Sheen 911 story.
MSM attacks Charlie Sheen over 911 comments.
CNN produces balanced piece on Sheen 911 Comments.
For anyone who is really serious about learning the truth about September 11, one should take a look to the right of this web page, in the 'View Finder', there are many links there to websites with much information in them, a lot of the information comes from Scholars, Scientist, and people like myself who KNOW that the official story is propaganda to further promote the actions of this government in the Middle East and abroad. Terror was and still is the pretext!!!

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