Sunday, July 01, 2007

Kent Daniel Bentkowski - Freemasonic Symbolism in the Death of JFK

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Kent Daniel Bentkowski returns to talk about his latest article "Dealey Plaza: Esoteric Freemasonic Symbolism in the Death of JFK". Topics discussed: Libraries as Masonic lodges, JFK: "Wanted for Treason", Daily Plaza full of occult Symbolism, Number 3 & 33, The Trinity River, First Masonic lodge in Dallas, Alchemical Elements Connected to the Number 3, the Triad, The Qabalistic Tree of Life, Dallas close to the 33rd parallel, JFK: Breaking up the CIA, End the Vietnam War - issued new Silver Notes, The 6th Floor Museum, Lee Harvey Oswald and the Window, Lyndon B Johnson and the assassination plan, The Hiram Abiff Ritual, Warren Commission Full of Freemasons, the Zapruder film "Abraham Zapruder - 32 degree mason", The Zapruder Film Hoax, the Fives & the Elevens, The WAR Memorial and the "Cornerstone", the Obelisk, the Reflecting Pool & the Dome, The "Coincidences" between JFK and Lincoln, JFK's Missing Brain, the Release of the Documents and much more. Don't miss our subscriber interview with Kent.

Links & Sources to the program

Dealey Plaza: Esoteric Freemasonic Symbolism in the Death of JFK

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Also Tune into:
Kent Daniel Bentkowski - 'Big Sister' Hillary Clinton

Kent Daniel Bentkowski - False-Flag Terror Anatomy (Subscription)

Kent Daniel Bentkowski - Eyes Wide Shut

Kent Daniel Bentkowski - "24" Nukes & the Global Elite (Subscription)

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