Friday, January 15, 2016

A patsy for the American illustion.

Saddam Hussein yes. He represents the Eastern Hemisphere's Illuminati branch. The two sides have always been pited against each other, or at least this is what they want people to believe, or is it? Is there really a faction amoung the groups of the 'Family'? But that is another subject.

What is true is that they have created the illustion of one against the other, creating on both sides both demons and saints, to have the people follow. And now they are ready to show all the way to peace, or at least the way in which 'they' determine. However I will state again, there ideals are grand, and good, for really this earth needs to 'harmonize', and unite, if we are really going to illude exstinction, but the way in which they have determined, is it the only way to reach this place of harmony?

What about this, is this way the only way in which Humans will really learn the valulabe soul leasons of the universe, to have to go through the exsperiance of what is coming, the darkness, the blood, the pain? Or will there be an intervention of some kind, from some source?

I deviate exstencively.

There have been many 'patsy's' over the years, however the current cituation with the U.S specifically all stems from Saddam, and the setting up of relations that the current administration was directly responsible for. What has been, 'presumed' actions of Saddam, has also been actions that Bush has engaged in, as well as all the other leaders of the world, and there counterparts in the shadows. It is all the same, just differing levels of evilness. That is all.

Will the world ever be able to unite as a whole, by the whole, with the whole itself governing itself. In theory this is possible, and might exist elsewhere in the Universe, but as we have proven time and again, our reptile like mind does not seem to evolve, and now maybe nature is going to have to 'spank' us, to 'teach' us what needs to be done, and how to do so, by forcing the perception through each individual, implanting this perception deep within the soil of the soul by a mass event, and event like never has happended, and will never happend again, and event that will take many, but the remaining ones will have a profoundly differnt perception of understanding, one in which will allow them to fully become what is needes in order to join with the Universe.

Think about this, if we do succed in overthrowing the powers that rule this world, what are we going to replace it with, they will still exist, and the battle will continue back and forth between them and the public like is has for the last hundred years or so specificly, not the mention the easier control of the last thousands of years, for we do not really even know what went on then clearly. This back of forth has to stop, it is an unatural anomoli, without any proggrestion

But one of the things most needed now is enlightenment, the knowing that what we see before us is really a veil, for without this base knowledge the near future accurances will destroy many, and that is never good for the cause of Humanity, for it is the 'Individual' that makes the group, one by one we can form an army of truthseekers, instead of a lost cause. But, action is required if anything is going to really take place.

Look at what is happening around the country with the marchess of the Mexican people. They see what the government has become, and even though it might seem that they are being controled; just like most movements are, it still starts a foundation to undermine some of the control the powers that are have here, or is it more manipulation?

My point is that if we are not going to take some sort of stand, we should move out of the way, and let someone else willing to, for it is better than nothing at all, and out of this movement will come other things, if it is used carefully as a lopehole. Most of the Mexican people that I know; and I know quite a few, feel that the world today is out of control, and that the government is hiding things, are corupt, dishonest, and have slain many people both on this continent, and abroad, not in the name of Liberty and Justice, but in the name of the signiture, of there checks of greedy gains.

These young people now will be a wave interjected into polotics, and although the hand that is turning this movement, is the hand of the Illuminati, it also will produce negative effects for the Illuminati, more "back and forth" I presume. The same white men that rule today, ruled 500 years ago, this same 'bloodline' hence really the same men, and the Mexican and Indian people have a feeling of ill towards that bloodline for what they have done to there people's over the years, and this is the feeling of hate they have for the 'principle's of these type people, the greedy, dishonest, corrupt, evil ones that run the show, and are on the stage, and the way I see it can happen, is that they might be run of the continent, the warrior spirit of the Native American Indian is very strong and violent, and should not be treaded upon.

What is happening now is also a Indian prophecy, that spoke of the Indian blood being populated again like the stars upon Indian soil, this blood; although half Spanish, is now again reclaiming what was once ours to begin with, after it was taken from violently, with no discrimination, from the forefathers of ago. Karma? Nature only allowed this to go on for a short duration, and now has come back into her natural state again, the Universe weeds out bad energy, and restores again, but sometimes only after a time.

But still the 'imigration issue' is just a distraction, when in reality the camps concentration camps going up around this country should be the concern, atomic winter should be on our minds, the natrual inviroment, Mother Earth, should be of 'exstream' concern, and we should not let people govern us that destroy her. Big government is disgusting, as our founding fathers so clearly saw. Government is here to keep the 'mechanical' infurstructures of the country up and running, and to provide general order, that is all. The government now however is a blood hungry Illuminati filled ditatorship, that is fixing the sweep the world, like Hitler only dreamed about.

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