Friday, January 15, 2016

Your Government Deceives You(2006)

Yes 'your' government. I have never voted before. It is not that I dont have ideal's of what government should be, it is because I have never seen a form of such that fit 'my' ideals. I remeber from a young age hearing others complain about the corruption of polotics. Growing up started to see and learn for myself the long history of this corruption of which I heard, streching back to the times of old, wondering why people still put there hopes in dreams into other peoples hands to fufill there 'ideal' destiney for them. And yet many today, after the many years of being dissipointed with the outcomes of this hope still hope in those outcomes.

The problem is that the people have been confused and distracted with minor details of trival policy, that in reality does not really exist. Yes these minor issues do matter, but the deeper, more complex and important issues still remain hidden from the majority. Well in order to get the the more detailed matters, we need to tackle the larger ones first, for they are they gateway to every matter, and without it there is no relivance to minnor ideals.

The United States of America has long been controlled by 'interests' both domestic and forien, people that have great wealth from the long heritage of the linieage of blood. Through the years the people have slowly aquired this wealth and power, and everything in which we see physically today is a manifistation in some way of that power and wealth. Our road systems, cities, money systems, Universities, foundations, charities, organizations, religions, governments, technology, ideologies, thoughts, etc, all these things are molded by the external inviroment in which we find ourselfs. Some say that this in not so within them, that might be true, but at some point in there life this 'external' inviroment did mold them in some form and fashion, to one degree or another.

The people that have maintained this power throughout time have done so without the public being privy to there workings, and only within the last 50 years has there been a mass public enlightenment worldwide of what there exsternal realities really have been and are. Many today the world over have overcome there 'programming', mostly this has taken place in the U.S., for this is where the programming has been most effective. In the article below I will disscuss how the people who truly run the exsternal physical reality of ourselfs will bring into existence ther 'New World Order', and show the mechinisms that will be used to do so, and the reasons in which they will do it, and the outcome of it all be here in the physical demension of reality.

"The Breaking Point Into New World Order"By E.A.

  • Reasons: 1. The only way to solve world problems.
2. Power and money for the elite.

Public starting to become aware.
  • Mechinisms: 1. Withdraw currencies from public domain.
2. Instal one ruling Earth government.

3. Laws and constitutions.
  • Outcome: 1. Mankind will be ruled by one centrilized commite overseen by the 'Branch'.
2. Majority of public will be satisfied.

3. The woes of individualism will subside.

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