Monday, May 29, 2006

What being the 'hunted' looks like!!

Yes they will brush us out, like in Ruby Ridge here in Texas, with there 'helicopters', storm troopers, and any other drone's in a position of power. They will remove any and all form of resistance, or at least this is what they will try to do.

Curtis, see why a mentioned the Apache, this can be done now as well with drone aircraft, using the same digital imaging devices, and computer aided firing, as well as SATs. Seeing right into our own homes from space, lovely isnt it?

This attack looks to be around 1000 yards away, it seems that the people cannot hear the Apache Longbow; hence the name, while it hovers just above treeline. The 90mm gun is laser sighted, and has an zoomable focal point optical inferred imaging device, all interfaced with the hellment mounted eye target tracking system. Yes, a very sneaky, scary scorpion in deed!!

Page with video of Apache-Ground engagement in Iraq.-Scorpions in the grass!!

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