Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Movie "Omen", the Illuminati laughing at the public?

First of all what is the definition of the word omen?

o·men Pronunciation (mn)
1. A phenomenon supposed to portend good or evil; a prophetic sign.
2. Prognostication; portent: birds of ill omen.
tr.v. o·mened, o·men·ing, o·mens
To be a prophetic sign of; portend.

So lets say that this movie is from the Illumanati, then we will need to study further the film, to see underlying message it has in its plot.

The movie is about a boy who is a son of a diplomat that is destined to become the Anti-Christ. But I think that the Illumanati have something else in mind here. In the trailer there is much Satanic symbolism, as well as images of anarchy, the pointing of tanks at children, loops of hurrican's moving straight up the inner west side of Florida(I dont think one has ever gone there before), and violence in the streets. It also centers around involvement with the religions of the Earht, specificly the Catholic Church.

There are also some interesting sound bytes in the trailer itself
"His day will come, armies on both shores, to turn man against his brother until man exist no more"
There is also a list of events, they represent days:
  1. Darkness decends
  2. Confustion
  3. Trust torn asunder
  4. Signs undeniable
  5. Beast is revealed
  6. End for all Mankind
Im not sure if this implies these events starting on 06/06/06, or like the movie says "You have been warned", maybe this is implying that is will happen next year on 06/06/07, because the 7 will really be six; like a mentioned in my previous article, because of there being no 0 year, it started at 1. Im not really sure, and will have to see the movie, to see the underlying message, because the surface level is just a chessy remake, but I want to see the deeper meaning, and what the Illumanati are trying to say

For sure though something is going on either this year or next on 06/06/06.
But at the starting of the trailer it says "His day will come", or was that just a reversal of the original, the original being the birth of this person? And now his time has come. There is a lot alot of Druid, and Celtic sounding music int the soundtrack as well, linking it again with the Illumanati.

I think this movie is a ruler, who will use there child like innocence in sheeps clothing, he will or has already gained power, and is just waiting in the shadows, to assert control. This person will be without love, hatefull, ruthless, wicked, evil, and whatever else you want to call it. This person will be the 'arm' of the Illumanati as they play there finale 'end game', and take full control, in plain view, and knowing there is nothing anyone can do about it, give in or die, most people will sadly give in.

View Site of Film Here.

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