Friday, June 02, 2006

Quantum teleportation is right around the corner

Why is it Science Fiction has all the ideas that later come to be? Why is it that I have a set of Encyclopedias from the 50-60's speaking of things to come, that are still being presented as new to the public, some of these things have finally come to be, but why after all this time?

Deterministic Quantum Teleportation Wtih Atoms

United States Patent Application-Full body teleportation system

Rare mirage Lasts for 4 Hours off East China Shore-Holographic Technology?

Video about the Illumanit, and there history

CIA-Nazi-Rumsfeld-Cheney Connection, "Operation Artichoke"

It is that our society and reality has been shaped, and molded. In fact there are may legends from all over the world, from thousands of years ago about Technology that once existed, but is not any longer, about people being in once place and then not being there, levitation, anti-gravity devices, etc.

Is it that knowledge and information has been with-held from the Human race, or that it has been hidden by certain people, lineages, bloodlines, families, for there ability to not only gain power through the energy of there dominance over all, but by the very elaborate plans to acquire wealth from the people of the Earth as well, by scamming them into subservience, by brainwashing there minds into believing there specific governments, or countries, have any real power in the world, or matter, for that matter.

History tells us more and more that all governments and polictical rulers have been under the control of these bloodlines, this Family for a very long time, possibly even the entire length of the Human race itself.

Some might say how or why, but both answers are very simple

First how.

How is much easier than why, because as a collective this Family shares the same goal, but there are very many 'individual' reasons. The first reason as to how, is the fact that any person can go online today and do research on any family name, or 'lineage'. Usually this research is compiled into a book form, in which case they are sold, many of the authors of such books, will sometimes have connections to the Families in which the very book mentions but that is another subject, which ironical makes the things talked about more verifiable and petrifying, all at once. The modern name form of this Family is Illumanati, but the Family has changed so much in the way of linguistics over the many years since inception, that I will just stick with the Family. There wealth they have acquired through the many ages of royalty, also the many years in modern day, with there puppet governments taxing the citizens.

Does someone in which creates something of worth really need anything to make that object other than what that object is made of? No, that person does not.

Does it matter that millions and millions of rain forest, and forest around the world are cut down in order to make materials. One of those materials is Paper.

What are materials of money made of? Ink, dies, wood pulp. Nothing else.

But the citizens of the countries of the world pay back taxes far exceeding the original worth of the base value of the currency.

It is no different than a scam found late at night on the T.V. via some 'infomercial'.

But everybody takes it. This is how.


Why is most important and less understood by many people. Yes it is because they think they are all knowing, yes they want to be worshiped as gods, yes they lust for the desire of being idols, yes its because they know information that they want to hide from the rest of Humans, yes it because they want power and wealth through tricking people.

But the reason truly is they are afraid, afraid of what would happen if they where not there to rule, the set the laws of reality, it has been planned for so long, that the real motives of the founders might have been altered, and dont reflect the original intent, no it is not more than a child on top of a sand pit saying "im the biggest one of them all, nah, nah." Yes, a few children, fooling a bunch of other children, while they walk upon the path of destruction, seeing which one will fall off first into the briar of thorns.

Maybe ago, the Families forefathers wanted control, for then they knew there would be peace, they named themselves the iluminous ones because they did have enlightenment, but then there offspring thousands of years ago tainted the original plan and deserted the original vision that there forefathers had, and then turned too greed for themselves, and not the collective good, seeking, planning then, to enslave Mankind for there purposes only.

There is so much that we 'really' dont know abou the past, with all our knowledge we are still so in the dark.

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