Article taken from Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com| May 19 2006
Can you really believe all the lies that are coming from Washington these day's, well probably you can; like most of you, but lies are still lies, no matter how many people believe them. We have a situation not unlike the situation in Nazi-Germany here in the U.S. right now, Hitler is wanting to take over the world, take civil liberties away from his own citizens, and trample everyone else down with him, for his greed and power alone. However there are some of us who see right through the smoke and mirrors, and hear there words, and see there actions for what truly are.
:Below is the article, and from time to time I will add a comments in red:
"General Hayden's justification that the NSA surveillance program would have prevented 9/11 by uncovering two of the alleged hijackers is a complete fallacy for two reasons. One - a global spying network to dwarf the domestic eavesdropping controversy that tracks all communications, Echelon, was in existence. Two - the alleged 9/11 hijackers were tracked and catalogued by the US government."
"During his confirmation hearing Hayden said that if the warrantless domestic surveillance program had been in place before 9/11, two of the alleged 9/11 hijackers (or US government agents), Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, would have been caught."
"Firstly, the Echelon program has collected information in violation of the 4th Amendment from American citizen's phone calls since the early 90's at least. In addition, a 2001 European Parliament report stated that "within Europe all e-mail, telephone and fax communications are routinely intercepted" by the NSA."
"In 1999 the Australian government admitted that they were part of an NSA led global intercept and surveillance grid in alliance with the US and Britain that could listen to "every international telephone call, fax, e-mail, or radio transmission."
"A large sector of Echelon is dedicated to industrial espionage. For example, in November 1999 the BBC reported that the NSA snooped on phone calls from a French firm bidding for a contract in Brazil. They passed the information on to an American competitor, which won the contract."
"Two days after 9/11 Germany's daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported that the Echelon spy network had provided warnings of the attack 6 months in advance, dispelling Hayden's claim that no such surveillance network was active before 9/11."
"The CIA knew exactly where Almihdhar and Alhazmi (pictured) were two months before 9/11 because they were living an FBI informant in San Diego. Newsweek reported this in their story, The Informant Who Lived With the Hijackers, and it was also picked up by Reuters who ran it under the headline, CIA Knew Two Sept. 11 Hijackers Were in U.S."
Lies, Lies,Lies, Lies
That is all we get out of the government today is lies, they lie about NOT having information, then they lie about the information they do have. The pay no heed to the 4th amendment with the purpose of Echelon itself, spying on U.S. citizens like they do, for what, just to lie to us some more about what they have and don't have. Come on, anyone familiar with the NSA and Echelon well know that every communication on this planet can be monitored by the NSA if they want to, period. They knew what was going on and about to happen on 9/11, and they are probably directly responsible for it, PROBLEM+REACTION=SOLUTION, and here we are at present, loosing our rights and civil liberties here daily, loosing our economy, and fixing to loose our country as a whole, all because of the American public being spineless and cowardly.
Did you know that the founding fathers regarded government as a small entity, that was only responsible for keeping the general things in the country running and operating, to give us roads, utitlites, etc, things of this sort, not to alter the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, create laws that are fictitious and domineering, and created out of greed and lust of World Power, no, the government is too far out of hand, and the founding fathers also spoke of the solution, the way in order to fix an out of control government, yes, and that solution is to take it back for the people, and as history has shown, they where even ready to draw the sword to accomplish that task as well.
"During his confirmation hearing Hayden said that if the warrantless domestic surveillance program had been in place before 9/11, two of the alleged 9/11 hijackers (or US government agents), Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, would have been caught."
"Firstly, the Echelon program has collected information in violation of the 4th Amendment from American citizen's phone calls since the early 90's at least. In addition, a 2001 European Parliament report stated that "within Europe all e-mail, telephone and fax communications are routinely intercepted" by the NSA."
"In 1999 the Australian government admitted that they were part of an NSA led global intercept and surveillance grid in alliance with the US and Britain that could listen to "every international telephone call, fax, e-mail, or radio transmission."
"A large sector of Echelon is dedicated to industrial espionage. For example, in November 1999 the BBC reported that the NSA snooped on phone calls from a French firm bidding for a contract in Brazil. They passed the information on to an American competitor, which won the contract."
"Two days after 9/11 Germany's daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported that the Echelon spy network had provided warnings of the attack 6 months in advance, dispelling Hayden's claim that no such surveillance network was active before 9/11."
"The CIA knew exactly where Almihdhar and Alhazmi (pictured) were two months before 9/11 because they were living an FBI informant in San Diego. Newsweek reported this in their story, The Informant Who Lived With the Hijackers, and it was also picked up by Reuters who ran it under the headline, CIA Knew Two Sept. 11 Hijackers Were in U.S."
Lies, Lies,Lies, Lies
That is all we get out of the government today is lies, they lie about NOT having information, then they lie about the information they do have. The pay no heed to the 4th amendment with the purpose of Echelon itself, spying on U.S. citizens like they do, for what, just to lie to us some more about what they have and don't have. Come on, anyone familiar with the NSA and Echelon well know that every communication on this planet can be monitored by the NSA if they want to, period. They knew what was going on and about to happen on 9/11, and they are probably directly responsible for it, PROBLEM+REACTION=SOLUTION, and here we are at present, loosing our rights and civil liberties here daily, loosing our economy, and fixing to loose our country as a whole, all because of the American public being spineless and cowardly.
Did you know that the founding fathers regarded government as a small entity, that was only responsible for keeping the general things in the country running and operating, to give us roads, utitlites, etc, things of this sort, not to alter the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, create laws that are fictitious and domineering, and created out of greed and lust of World Power, no, the government is too far out of hand, and the founding fathers also spoke of the solution, the way in order to fix an out of control government, yes, and that solution is to take it back for the people, and as history has shown, they where even ready to draw the sword to accomplish that task as well.
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