For many of us, looking up at the sky for years and seeing planes spread particles in the blue sky, while people believe that these are 'con-trails' only. The technology has existed for years, weather modification technology that is, it was called 'cloud seeding', and was used in smaller planes in smaller area's of the country. Strangely though this program shut down because it was said that the technique did not work. It seems like this project feel into the 'shadows' of black ops, and now they realize that the public is becoming to aware of the project, so they have to send it through congress, to make it 'legidiment' now, oh, that is funny, and is a primer for other things in which have supposedly disappeared, this has been going on since the early 19th century. Many people like myself have seen these things in the sky, and have been laughed at as well. Other people like Scott Stevens have left there jobs to pursue this subject full time. Now when I tell people about the government using electromagnetic forces via H.A.A.R.P, and other exotic technology, they can go to the Senates' site and look it up themselves.
Below is the article, the U.S. Senate Bill 517 and U.S. House Bill 2995:
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