For many years now the 'Powers that Are" have used local law enforcement to destabilize the population of the United States, and slowly take the rights away from the people. I live in a small town in Texas, and most of the law enforcement officers in small towns have major ego complexes. They usually do not follow the Bill of Rights, nor the Constitution, and bully people into illegal search and seizures. They take the ignorance of the public as an excuse to break CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, and as such treasonous criminals they should be killed, or that is the severity in which the founding fathers viewed treasonous persons anyway. But oh no, now, post 9/11, since there is so much TERROR; even though the borders are wide open, we need our rights taken away in order to make us safe, and the streets are so unsafe, because Mexican gangs are coming over causing havoc, LOL.
Whenever a police officer does not obey YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, that officer is committing a crime against the United States Constitution, and not only should be fired, but imprisoned on charges of TREASON!!!
These type of officers are thirsty of the high they get when they get a little pinch after licking the boots of there masters. These type of events are now taking place more and more in the city, and for minorities and the poor,well, this has always taken place by the government unto them.
Things to do:
Always carry a voice, or video recorder with you at all times. Be sure to remember audio is only admissible in court, if the person being recorded is aware of being recorded!!!
Know the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, you are a American Citizen aren't you?
don't say anything but this " I feel that your words and actions go against my constitutional rights, and do not feel comfortable about it", if this does not work, mention Section 1983, vicarious liability, it was a court case that protects your rights as well, it is a provision made if an officer takes away your civil liberties, then you can get a federal trial, this suit will be against the officer, and there supervisors, if the officer will still not go along with there wishes, and then later on contact a lawyer, many will love the opportunity to take your case, they love to root out cops such as these ones. If this does not stop them then go along with there wishes. This is only valid if they stop you illegally, or arrest you illegally, and lastly if they obtain a warrant illegally.
I have a so called 'peace officer' living very near to me , that has wanted to give me trouble for about 13 years now, and Im just waiting for him to harass me again, for the next time he will suffer much in the court of law.
Some will argue that a person will have nothing to worry about, if they aren't breaking the law. This is a straw man argument. What if getting stopped and harassed was replaces with getting stopped and stripped search, yes, then many people wont like it. "A little leven, ferments the whole lump". And yes, what happens when say, the 1st amendment goes to the way side, and well, lets say the entire constitution crumbles, they destroy it, then will it matter, that is why it is important even when you are not breaking the law, yes, to stand up for the CONSTITUTION!!
But no, shortly now;unless something is really done about it, the constitution will be replaced with 'dictations', from a dictator.What about the secret police force in the country, dark cars, tinted mirrors.
Why aren't these forces securing our boarders, instead of watching citizens?
Yes the police and the military is being combined, and the Pam American Continent is almost complete, the dictatorship is going well.
How Cops Break Down the Innocent: The tragedy of False Confessions
Amendment IV of the Bill of Rights says
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
So what does this mean?
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons", this means that in your person, house, and belongings should be SECURE from UNREASONABLE searches and seizures, and this SECURITY should not be VIOLATED, and that only with PROBABLE CAUSE supported by an oath or affirmation of a WITNESS as to what and where the person or things to be seized are.
This means that when a cop pulls you over for no reason, or they set up a road block and search your car without a warrant; a warrant they would need to obtain due to probable cause, they are taking this Article of the Bill of Rights out of the picture. Yes, before they can search you, or your care or house, they first need a WARRANT, and in order to obtain a warrant, they need first probable cause, this would come in the way of either them 'seeing something', or that there is a witness to something that is against the law, otherwise they have broken the Bill of Rights of the United States of America, and can be taken to court for such an offence.
This happens all the time though, and people just accept it saying "that is just how it is", well that might be true for some, but not me, or many others today who are standing up to the current birth of a full fledged police state.
Stand up for yourselves, and your 'Constitutional Rights', that is the only way to be, courageous in the face of the Beast. Don't let the badge and gun intimidate you, for that is just a shell of ego they wear, for under it all, they are still flesh and blood, lets keep them in there place, and make sure that they know they we aren't afraid of them at all, in fact we challenge them in fairness to become steadfast in defending the Constitution and Bill of Rights, instead of being small minded, ego maniacs, who are cowardly and wimpish.
Yes, next time your pulled over, if it comes to it, let them know that you are well informed, and cannot be intimidated by there techniques of fear of authority, fear of the gun and badge, fear that some of them feed on, to fill there empty souls. 42 U.S. Code, section 1983, vicarious liability, protects your rights as well, it is a provision made if an officer takes away your civil liberties, then you can get a federal trial, this suit will be against the officer, and there supervisors.
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons", this means that in your person, house, and belongings should be SECURE from UNREASONABLE searches and seizures, and this SECURITY should not be VIOLATED, and that only with PROBABLE CAUSE supported by an oath or affirmation of a WITNESS as to what and where the person or things to be seized are.
This means that when a cop pulls you over for no reason, or they set up a road block and search your car without a warrant; a warrant they would need to obtain due to probable cause, they are taking this Article of the Bill of Rights out of the picture. Yes, before they can search you, or your care or house, they first need a WARRANT, and in order to obtain a warrant, they need first probable cause, this would come in the way of either them 'seeing something', or that there is a witness to something that is against the law, otherwise they have broken the Bill of Rights of the United States of America, and can be taken to court for such an offence.
This happens all the time though, and people just accept it saying "that is just how it is", well that might be true for some, but not me, or many others today who are standing up to the current birth of a full fledged police state.
Stand up for yourselves, and your 'Constitutional Rights', that is the only way to be, courageous in the face of the Beast. Don't let the badge and gun intimidate you, for that is just a shell of ego they wear, for under it all, they are still flesh and blood, lets keep them in there place, and make sure that they know they we aren't afraid of them at all, in fact we challenge them in fairness to become steadfast in defending the Constitution and Bill of Rights, instead of being small minded, ego maniacs, who are cowardly and wimpish.
Yes, next time your pulled over, if it comes to it, let them know that you are well informed, and cannot be intimidated by there techniques of fear of authority, fear of the gun and badge, fear that some of them feed on, to fill there empty souls. 42 U.S. Code, section 1983, vicarious liability, protects your rights as well, it is a provision made if an officer takes away your civil liberties, then you can get a federal trial, this suit will be against the officer, and there supervisors.
:42 U.S. Code, section 1983 states:
"Any person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities security by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress....3"
Here is some Undercover video of a police department acting very, very cowardly, and foolish!!!
"Any person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities security by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress....3"
Here is some Undercover video of a police department acting very, very cowardly, and foolish!!!
Couple Arrested For Asking For Directions
Police torture in Knoxville TN-!!UPDATE!!
For more on your rights, and to see what common people are doing about the growing problem visit PoliceAbuse.org.
There is alot of information here, and video catching cops acting like little cowards with pistols!!
There is alot of information here, and video catching cops acting like little cowards with pistols!!
Brothers and sisters, it is time to rise up and stand!!!
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