The images that the Pentagon released is a set up, to heighten the debate, and then centralize the debate on the Pentagon, and then further release better high quality video to show what happened. More than likely it will be manipulated in order to make the public believe that an airliner hit the building.

This is going to try to disprove the theories that the government is covering up what really happened to the pentagon, but also what happened in New York on 9/11, and the entire event, or non event of the Government on 9/11.
Already though the word has been out on these videos, and most people have already seen these now new videos. The fact is when viewed in sequence, one can easily tell that the object is a missile.
The have failed, they want us to focus on this one subject that cant be proven, but it is all the OTHER FACTS about 9/11, and the anomalies, they speak the volumes.
What is more interesting than anything else about these images is the plume of smoke in the upper center of the image, what is that, it is also in the other images that where released. Again though as far as an airplane, or any other 'thing', is not in the image at all, there is nothing there. How ever the video does show some object and then the explosion.

Look at this video, you can see a very small projectile at frame 00.24, this is not an 757, this object is much smaller, and is traveling at a supersonic speed, for the frame are 1 second apart from each other, and an sub-sonic object would be in more of the frame, due to the slower speed.
In this video, you will see the projectile come into view on the right hand side, look how small the head of the object is.
Very simple website that helps one to see that there is no Boeing 757!!
A technical site that helps one see that they are lying!!
They are going to try to use this as a way to uphold there lies, but only the very ignorant will not understand, and they can never be taught anyway. We know though that the movement cannot be stopped, and it will continue, they are getting very worried now, and there grip is slipping, which means bad things, for they then will become more hostile, and arrogant with there hostility.
And lastly, how can a person fly an 757 just inches above the ground at hundreds of miles per hour, and not leave skid marks from the engine, this of course is after the person flies over the highway, and then back onto the deck within fractions of seconds. And that there is no pieces of the plan on the lawn or around the area at all.
The has already been talked about much online, and there is mountains of data. The government is only trying to distract the few remaining people out there in there search for the truth, and they are distracting us as well, by diverting our attention to less important issues, we should be demanding answers from them on many other topics, instead of debating less important issues, some in which cannot be proved in court anyway. WE NEED TO DEMAND THE TRUTH OR BUCK THE SYSTEM!!
This is what the video would have looked like with a Boeing 757 crashing into the pentagon!!

Article: Pentagon Video Observations of 9/11 Attack
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